[MF] A night to remember on the high seas.

me lurker, first-time contributor you could say, but reading the adventures of others on here makes me want to toss my hat in the ring. I’ve never really been much of a lothario. Long-term singledom, or long-term relationship seemed to be my wheelhouse, so when I was in a dry spell to rival the Sahara, a good friend of mine convinced me to go on a cruise with him. It took some convincing, but at the very least I’d see some cool places if debauchery on the high seas fizzed out.

I won’t go into detail about the cruise line or the itinerary other than to say that the Mediterranean is fabulous at most times of the year, but it was a colossal ship, a floating city really. Decks and decks of cabins, bars, and restaurants. You name it, they had it. I swear there was an ice sculpture somewhere near the laser tag and you could probably request someone to write a sonnet in your honour if you paid enough.