We missed the bus so we fucked in the rain [mf][public]

Kat was my first real sexual relationship. She was tall and effortlessly slim. She wore her hair in a tight, dark-brown bob that perfectly showcased her deep-brown eyes and full lips. Neither of us were virgins and we had both been in relationships before, but the freedom of college meant we could really explore each other in a way that backseats of cars and the occasional upstairs bedroom of a house party didn’t really allow.

We lived in the same hall and hooked up pretty quickly in our first term. The first time I saw her I was immediately hooked. She wore a nose-ring and an over-sized Sonic Youth Goo tee (the same one from Urban Outfitters I later realized every ‘cool’ girl had) and this short skirt that showed of her long, elegant legs. Legs I would spend the next few months finding myself buried between.

We spoke a lot that night about music, films, books and finally hooked up in her room later that night.

The night in question was about two weeks before we left for Christmas break and Rilo Kiley were playing in the city. I was a big fan and she liked the stuff she’d heard (Under the Blacklight had just come out and they were about as big as they’d ever be) so we decided to go.