Car action in the fog [FM]

Before I start I would like to apologise for the writing. English isn’t my first language and when writing this I took a couple of breaks… you know ;) Please give me feedback, it’s my first time doing this!

My boyfriend and I have made travelling a thing ever since we got together, and just recently we went to Taiwan. We rented a small-ish car and drove for the middle part of the trip, over and across the mountainous part, just so that we can stop and go anytime we want. The thing is, the time we were there was probably not the best time to be driving in the mountains. The sky got dark really quickly, the rain made roads super dangerous and the fogs gave us 5m visibility at best.

The worst part was this one particular night, when we were driving to our accommodation for the night. The hotel was in a valley beyond the mountain peak, meaning we had to drive all the way up to the peak and then down into the valley. Nevermind the darkness and limited road lamps, the rain led to so much fog and my boyfriend needed a break before continuing the rest of the trip. We ended up stopping at this car park that I think was a rest stop or a stop with views.

I planned to stay for lunch, ended up staying overnight. [FM]

Long time lurker and I decided to share my fondest memory. It’s been lying in my drafts for around a year, and I think I should share it. I’m not good at writing but hope that I can do as much justice to the whole memory as possible.

It all started when I was in the midst of packing to move across the world. Long story short, a lot of things were going on at home, and it wasn’t feasible for me to stay where I was. In my hour of boredom and anxiety, I decided to post a dirty personal on Reddit. There was a flood of responses and most sounded creepy or just weird. You know, the wrong kind of weird that a girl would want to stay away. Amongst those messages was Harry’s- I took a liking to his short and polite message and decided to respond. He also mentioned something about cocktail making. Heh, *cocktail*, get it? I’m lame.