My Best Gangbang [FMM] [Long] [Kink]

I apologize for the super long post. Lots of backstory here so if you want to jump straight to the action just jump down to “EndBackstory”.

I’m a programmer in an R&D department. About 3 years ago I got sent out of town on business. I was being sent out to Denver for 2 weeks to assist an user in the field with a program that I had developed. I mentioned my upcoming trip to a FWB of mine, we’ll call him David, while we were discussing summer plans. He was a teacher, so he had the summer off and was looking for vacation ideas. I half-jokingly told him that if he was interested in going to Denver, he was more than welcome to join me on my trip. He said that he actually had never been to Denver and that he didn’t have anyone to travel with so it was tempting. I mentioned that he would be welcome to share a room with me and that, because my work paid for lodging, it would save him quite a lot of money. That was enough to push him over the edge and he decided he’d come with me. He’d have the days to do whatever he wanted while I worked and we’d both have the nights to explore and have fun. I was thankful for the company and having a nice cock to come back to every night didn’t hurt either.