This text was sitting quite a while on my disk. Not really happy with it, but maybe you like it.
Nonetheless it is a fun memory.
Sexually, I was quite a late bloomer. Didn’t kiss anyone till 16, haven’t had a blowjob and sex till 17. Although from then on, things quite took off, but the first years after puberty were dire. This is the story how I got made a girl cum with my tongue for the very first time.
With 16, I feel madly in love with a girl and although we made out a couple of times, she didn’t really commit and mostly took only (financial) advantage of me. I was frustrated that it lead nowhere and was torn between trying even harder with her or cutting my losses and move on. Luckily, one of my female friends started getting interested in me. Janine knew from my tennis lessons and was the same age as me. She was your average neighbourhood girl. Brunette, tanned, somewhat slender and with slightly more than a handful of breasts. She was fun, not a single day where she was in a foul mood and always took things in her own hand. It was fun to be around her and time always passed quickly, although I seldom considered her as more than a friend.
During this specific summer, our relationship grew from smalltalk after tennis lessons to hanging around with each other, eating ice cream and going swimming. She would often just drop by and hang around in my room.