A night in. D/S: Female getting spanked.

We were getting high and watching TV, as we do. We had been watching Breaking Bad because she’s never seen it. After two episodes, I turned off the tv so we could relax.

She looked so cute to me, in her pajamas, that I needed to be with her. She had not been feeling sexual today. Just an asexual amorphous blob, but hopefully, she still wanted to play.

Come here, honey. I cooed to her. Oh, and bring me the hog bat. Yup, a hog bat. I didn’t know what a hog bat was until the show Pig Royalty, what a instant classic that one is!

She loves to be spanked and in her own words, “hit with all the stuff.” Who am I to deny her?
The hog bat is orange, shaped almost like a riding crop, but thicker. It makes a very satisfying sound, and she enjoys the leather against her skin so it’s great for sensation play as well.

We got it at a local store, walking down the livestock isle. We also have a wooden paddle for grilling or something that we both really enjoy.