Morning Time

David found himself awake in the early morning. Rolling slightly, he checked his phone. “4 am, huh?”he sighed and turned back to the woman lying in his arms. Reddish-brown locks of hair lay nestled under her head, and her vibrant hazel eyes were closed for the time being as she moved in her sleep. Natalie had been pretty out of it last night…granted, he didn’t help with buying her drinks she liked. He laughed softly and suddenly wicked thoughts came to his mind. He whispered, “Natalie?” to see if she was awake. No response except for a soft sigh from her lips. Hiding an evil grin in her hair, he slid his hand around to her chest and began to fondle the soft mound of warm flesh he was searching for. She moves lightly, but not much and he keeps going. Pushing her hair aside, he starts to leave kisses on her back: her shoulders, tattoo and neck are covered with them. His hand that fondles her breast gently makes it way down…down… and slides under her cute striped underwear.