Late night ride

I made my way upstairs in the dark. Fingers touching the walls that are unfamiliar but smooth. I smile to myself because I’m planning something. I go into the guest room and get comfortable while I wait for him to follow.
I lie in bed when he quietly comes to bed. The scent of rum and coke on his breath I smell as he softly kisses my bare shoulder. Can’t help but smile with my eyes closed. This will be fun. I turn onto my back, baring my breasts to him. I can see his eyes light up as he dips down to kiss me. I wait until he’s atop me, pushing his hips against me. I can feel his cock, hard and hot. It makes me wetter. I moan against his lips, and use my legs to flip him onto his back; I’ve turned the tables and I am on top. His hands slide to my hips and lightly dig into them, grinding me against him. I pant some, my panties getting wetter and wetter. “I want to ride tonight,” I purred down at him. His eyebrows rise but he grins. “Yes please.”
I rub my wet panties against his bulge, and get the strangled moan I wanted. “shhhh can’t let our hosts know…” I teased him. I lifted my hips, sliding off my panties. He hurriedly takes off his boxers, cock bouncing slightly as it’s freed from its cloth confines. Before he had time to lie back, I climbed up and slide him inside my tight, warm pussy. I had to bite my lip and clamp my hand over his mouth to quiet the groan he uttered. My hips start to rock, pushing him inside and out slowly. His hands found my breasts and he found pleasure in cupping them, fingers pinching and stroking my nipples to almost drive me to distraction. I will not be dissuaded. I reach back and find the soft flesh of his balls. I grin wickedly and start to stroke them gently as I picked up my pace. His hands moved down to my hips, gripping them and helping me move faster. He panted up at me, “Shit… shit… I’m gonna… fuck…” I tilted my head back, feeling my hot, wet pussy start to clamp around…”Haaaah, me too…so close…” He then gasped, bucking his hips up and biting back a cry as he came inside me. “ahhhh…” I covered my mouth as I too came around him. We looked at each other, panting hard and then we giggled as we settled down for the night.

Picnic Time

I look down at my watch, frowning. My eyes travel up and around the small wooded area that my lover toold me to meet him at. I have some idea of what he’s planning, but still… I looks down at my sandals. I can’t help but wiggle my toes, because I’m not used to wearing sandals. I look at the area I’m in: It’s a secluded part of a park. Faintly I can hear kids playing basketball, but it’s very far away. The trees make a small little wall, a clear place on the ground where two people could sit and talk, with room to spare. I shake my head and laugh. Talk, right.

A twig behind me snaps and i go to turn, but strong arms encircle my waist and hold me against a strong body. I turn my head to look back, and meet the eyes of my lover. He smiles down at me. “have you been waiting long?” I shake my head…”not very long, no…” I pull away to face him, and take in him. Seeing him always makes my heart race and my body ache. I notice the basket at his feet and raise an eyebrow. “what’s that for?” He smiles at me, and says.. “it’s a surprise…” Both eyebrows rise on my face…”okay…”

High School Reunion

The reunion party was in full swing and Alexa was having fun, actually. She hadn’t seen any of her old classmates in so long… Memories from long ago flashed by as she excused herself from the gym where the party was being held. Her fingers slid over lockers hap-hazardously, memories of her own time spent fighting stuck lockers and half-remembered combinations. A sad smile crept over her lips as long-lost jokes and hurled insults come to her mind. Everyone seems so different now, she mused. She recalled one or two of her male classmates looking her way while she caught up with one of her teachers. She ran her hands down the little black dress she wore for the event, a nervous habit that she never seemed to outgrow. She was just getting used to wearing dresses and skirts that ended mid-thigh these days, and she couldn’t stop smoothing the soft material down. She walked without a purpose, not really paying attention to her surroundings until she stopped at a door to a classroom. She vaguely noticed it was in the English corridor, and she looked up at the nameplate above the door. Alexa smiled fondly; the classroom was once her creative writing class, but now turned into a English classroom. She was so absorbed in her thoughts, that she jumped when she looked back at a unexpected guest. “Oh, Sam. Hi,” She smiled.

Open Love letter to the male sex [MF]

To you,

I am your most ardent admirer. I am the woman at the bar, the check-out girl behind the counter, or the waitress who brings you a drink. I am the interested glance over a book at the bookstore, or the flirtatious smile at the coffee shop. I desire you, so fully and adamantly.

I love the touch of hands that are larger than mine and stronger than I’ll ever be. I yearn for the brush of lips against my skin: clean shaven or stubble matters not to me. I shiver at the feel of a groin against my thigh, and the gradual swell of your cock pressed against it as it throbs and makes me hunger for you. My breasts ache for you: for touch, lips, tongue and even teeth to set on them. I long for your sex: Rough as ever as you tug my hair and pound me into a soft, groaning submission; or a sweet, softer kind that drives on endearments or happy tears. I love your passion: treading a fine line between fighting or fucking. Your sex stimulates me so that I wish to shower my devotion. I want to worship your cock with lips, tongue and other parts of me capable of such devotion. This passion known no bounds, but only wishes for a vessel to sate such a thirsty creature.

Kitchen Fun [MF] [food]

It’s late in the evening, and I need a snack. I yawn and make my way to the kitchen. I click the light on and blink at the harsh light the floods the room. “Too much, ow…” I whisper to myself. I turn on the small yellow stove light instead. “Much better.” I open the fridge door and take a look around, using my right foot to scratch the back of my left leg. I startle lightly as arms wrap around me from behind and hands larger than mine cup my breasts through my nightgown. “Oh, hey there,” I giggle as those hands squeeze them firmly. A husky voice whispers in my ear, “You weren’t in bed.” I look back at my lover and smile, “I got hungry.” He pulls me back against his naked body and I feel his hard cock pressed against my clothed bottom. “I am too,” he replies, and I can hear the smile in his voice. I laugh softly and take a container from the fridge. “Let’s see what fun we can have, hmmm?” His eyes light up; his smile widens. I take the container of caramel to open it, licking my lips and slowly kneeling down at his feet. I take my finger, dipping it into the caramel and slowly covering his throbbing cock with the sweet topping. He staggers back to lean against the counter, and I crawl after him.

Morning Shower [MF]

I close the door behind me, and turn on the lights. The bathroom lights blink on in a harsh whiteness that makes my eyes water and i must blink a few times before adjusting. I strip off my clothes and lean in to turn on the water in the shower. It runs for a bit, and i close the curtain and let the water heat up. I study myself in the mirror, never really satisfied with how i look. I pull my hair back, brown with bits of reddish at the bottom that brushes the tops of my breasts. I decide on pulling my hair up in a ponytail, folding it over to make sure nothing gets wet. Slipping off my glasses, i fold them and rest them on the counter as i enter the now-steaming shower.

Musings in a Store [MF] [cheat]

“Another day, another eight hours of peddling wares to the masses,” Natalie thought to herself with a sigh. Working full time in a specialty store gives a person a lot of time to think, especially during a weekday when everyone’s working. “Well, what else can I do to keep busy?” she asked herself. “I cleaned the shelves, dusted everywhere…” Leaning against one of the hutches, her mind starts to wander….

It’s night time and she’s asleep in bed. Her husband is working late tonight, so she’s sleep alone. Beside the bed her cell phone starts to ring with her default tone. As she blinks sleepily to stare at the phone that sings “I’m yours”, she wonders who’s calling at… the clock reads 2:47 AM? She reaches and feels for the phone clumsily. She finally gets it and mumbles into it, “m mm… hello?” A sarcastic yet familiar male voice answers, “Hello Dahling. Did I wake you?” She sits up in surprise, very much awake now. “Mitch? Hey, what’s up?” Natalie stifles a yawn as he replies with a non-committal answer. She smiles as she asks, “So, why are you awake at this ungodly hour?” Mitch answers her, and the smirk in his voice is uncanny. “Insomnia. Plus, I thought you’d be up.” “Well, I -am- now,” she laughed. “Well then , can I come up?” he replied. At that, she jerked in surprise. He was outside? She then remembered that he lived a block or two away from her apartment. “Uh, sure” she mumbles as she gets up and turns on the bedside lamp.”Okay, be right there,” he says. Natalie is puzzled by her reactions: “Butterflies in stomach? A little flushed? Why am I nervous?” she pondered, putting her fuzzy star and moon robe on. Sure, she would flirt with him when they used to work together, but she loves her husband. Granted, lately he’s been a little cold to her in the bedroom, but still…

Happy Halloween [MF]

Ashley laughs at a friend’s joke, putting her drink on a table. The costume party is in full swing, and she got the costume she never thought -she- would ever wear: Little Red Riding Hood. She can’t help but tug self-consciously at the ruffly, small, red skirt and adjust the crimson cape that fell to her ankles. The hood framed her brown ringlets nicely, and pale skin/red lips finished off with black Mary Jane heels did it. Her friend is wearing a silly mummy costume, and his jeans and shirt are obvious as his bandages are slowly unravel with his gestures. She smiles, but her eyes keep wandering the room…A dark figure keeps catching her eye. It was someone all in black, with a black cloak and short black hair. His face was covered in an animal mask- looked like a black wolf. It only seems to cover most of his face: his mouth was exposed. She tried to listen to her friend, but try as she might… He (she was guessing by height and build) wouldn’t keep still. One minute by the stereo, the next in a doorway, then by the stairs.
Excusing herself, she made her way to the upstairs. Well, he was just there. Odd. She decided to try upstairs, and took her time making her way to the next floor. “Hello?” she called out, turning her head left and right, making her hood fall back. No answer, so she continued onto the first door. Opening it revealed a nice bathroom, and a couple that seemed very “busy”. She let out an “eep!” as they jerked at being caught, and hurriedly closed the door yelling “Sorry!” Shaking herself from that experience, she moved to the next door. It opened to a bedroom, and she walked inside when she noticed black material on the bed. She moved over to lift the black cloak, and suddenly the door shut her in darkness. She jumped and let out a small, scared noise. “Hello?” A husky voice answered in her right ear, “Well, hello.” Ashley shrieked as large hands grabbed her waist and chest, knocking the cloak off her right shoulder and baring her pale skin. “Oh my god, who is this?” He laughed darkly, ending it in a growl against her shoulder. “I’m the big,” he pushed his hips against her ruffled bottom, “bad,” licks her ear, “wolf.” She whimpers softly, her hands that tried to pull his grip from her fall to her sides as he groped her soft chest through her costume.
“Who…?” she asked again, panting out, but the hand at her hip put a finger to her lips. “Shhhh….” he laughs wickedly, and tosses her to the bed. She gasps, lying on her side tangled in her cloak. The look on her face: afraid but very eager, causes him to growl again lustfully. He crawls atop her, making her lie back to look up at him. Slowly, he pulls at the cloak’s ties. With little encouragement, it falls from her. She reaches out and draws her fingers down his jawline, the tips trace his lips. He nips them lightly, and she lets her ruby lips spread into a smile. Quick as can be, she tips his mask up and off him. “Matt?” she blinks in surprise. He grins sheepishly, “Yeah, it’s me.” She reaches up to touch his face, laughing softly, “I should have known it was you. Silly wolf.” He growls down at her before capturing her mouth with his in a passionate kiss. She eagerly returns it, fingers tangling in his short, spiky black hair. Matt breaks the kiss to nuzzle her neck, down, down…. Ashley giggles as he nuzzles her chest, nipping lightly at her nipples though the material. “My, what sharp teeth you have,” she murmurs. Matt lifted her skirt, looking at her with a grin. “All the better,” he laughed. He looked down and found that she wasn’t wearing panties. “All the better,” he murmured to himself and buried his face into her groin. Ashley gasped and gripped his hair, whimpering as the pleasure he gave her with every lick, every thrust of his fingers inside her tight, wet snatch. “Oh god, oh Matt…” she moaned, her back arching as the pleasure grew. With a few more licks, she let out a cry as she came. Matt licked his lips as he knelt up over her. Her hair tousled, her cheeks pink, Ashley shook under him.
He grinned, his plan having gone so well. He leaned down to ravage her mouth with his lusty kisses. She bucked under him, one of her hands yank his head back with the other grabbed his ass. He growls louder at her and stares down at her while he grabs a fistful of her costume at the chest and yanks: ripping the material away. She gasps, eyes wide as their foreplay turned almost animalistic. Ashley bit her lip and spread her legs wider, inviting. The blush that covered her cheeks now spread to her unbound breasts. He dips his head down, and slowly runs his tongue over each nipple, making her tremble harder and her breath into pants. “Matt, Matt please!” she cried out. Matt laughs delightedly, until she deftly works the button and zipper to his pants open. She snakes her hand in and grasps his semi-erect cock, causing him to suck in his breath. She makes sure he’s looking at her when she says, “I want this.”She punctuated with a squeeze that made him groan. “I want you!” He knocked her back and continued those hungry kisses from before, but he worked his pants and underwear down before he.. “Oh god!” she cried out, before he ate her screams as he pushed inside her wet folds. Nails painted a dark red dug into his tanned bottom, breaking his kiss and making him moan and pump faster. “Oh fuck, Ashley,” he panted, “so tight…” She nodded and whimpered as she felt him fuck her closer and closer to cumming. “Oh god, oh oh… I’m close..” She whispered to him. He growled louder and leaned into her neck. Her head tilted back, she screamed as he bit her neck and started to pound into her harder. It caused her to tighten up, and he groaned out, “Almost…” Her legs wrap around his waist and squeezed, “Do it.” He hits in her deep, and she cums, crying out his name. “MATT!” He moans his release into her breasts and they go still for a bit, their bodies trembling from pleasure and their labored breath. He looked up at her, his hair tousled and spiky still and she giggled at him. He smiled lazily at her, “Happy Halloween, love.” She pokes his nose, “Mmmm Happy Samhain.”

Get Away [MF]

After a warm bath that chased away the bitter chill from outside, Alex left a bubble-coated Mel in the bathroom with a kiss and a promise to get the fire going. She smiled blissfully, her eyes closed as the warm water relaxed her muscles. He closed the door behind him, and she was alone in the vanilla-scented air. She ran her soapy fingers up her legs, giggling to herself at how nice everything was going. She soon let the water and bubbles drain, and dried herself off with nervous/excited movements. Sliding on the terry-cloth robe, she slipped out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her. The sight before her stopped her dead: Alex had made a small bed of pillows and a blanket before the fireplace, and he used his hand braced on the mantle to lean his wet, naked body into the radiating heat to to dry off. Her eyes roamed over his wet, spiky hair down to his muscular arms, strong back and firm ass… before he lifted his head and looked to her. She shut the door with a “click” and hung her head as she leaned back against the closed door, hiding the look of desire on her face. “Belle Mel,” he called to her. She lifted her head to see him raise his hand out to her. “Venez ici.” She smiled at his call, and walked over to take his hand, “Ah oui, Monsieur Alex.” He laughed, his hand reaching up to stroke her cheek. “You’re so cute.” Her cheeks, faintly pink from the hot bath, burned more at his comment. He took her hand with his free one and led her down onto the makeshift bed before the fire. “Such a pretty present I get to unwrap,” he murmured as he untied her robe. She squirmed some, slightly embarrassed still by his praise. He pulled the robe open, and exposed her naked body to the open air and his perusal. “My my, you look,” he leaned down to kiss one nipple, “absolutely,” moved his lips to the other one for another kiss, “delicious.” Each kiss caused little moans to slip from her lips. “Alex, Alex, Alex…”she sighed softly. He kissed her softly, moving between her legs and pushing the robe off her shoulders to free her from the restricting clothing. Her arms slid around his neck, and her head tilted back as his fingers slid down between them to probe her wetness lightly. Mel gasped, moaning softly as he whispered into her neck, “So warm… are you ready for me? You feel like you are..” She nodded and bit her bottom lip as he rose above her. Moving his hard cock to her slick entrance, Alex let his tip move inside, groaning as he sunk inside her warmth. Mel dug her nails into his lower back, whimpering in pleasure as her body tightened around him. He panted some, holding himself above her as he felt her squeeze him. As she dug her nails in, he growled deeply and his hand lifted her thigh to thrust deeper inside her. She began to scream out her pleasure, long red marks from her nails decorated his upper and lower back. It spurred him on. He leaned into her and bit her shoulder, causing her to cry out. “Mine, mine…” he panted, licking the new mark he made on her. She ran her fingers into his hair, panting back, “Yes, yes, yes….” He pumped faster, deeper, and she grew louder and more frantic with her cries, “Oh GOD! I’m gonna…oh…I’m..” Alex groaned/growled and pounded his cock inside her. Her back curled and her heated pussy clamped down like a vice around him. He shoved deep inside, shoulder and arms shaking as he released inside her. Mel moaned out for him… “Oh Alex, so good…” He slowly sunk down atop her and she shook slightly under him, wrapping her arms around his sweat-soaked body. After a few minutes, he looked down at her and wiggled his eyebrows. “Hungry?” She giggles and leaned up for a kiss. “Always for you.”

Work Hijinx

She laughed as he pulled her along. “You know, we shouldn’t be doing this…” He laughed as well, and pulled her close. Looking around the almost- empty parking lot, he bent down and kissed her once before replying, “But I want you.” She shivered and nodded her agreement. They continued until they got to the fence that separated the parking lot from the wooded area that bordered it. He lead her through a break in the fencing and they continued onwards. After a bit, when the parking lot couldn’t be seen, he walked her back into a tree and began kissing her hungrily, his hands sliding up from her hips to fondle her large breasts eagerly. She moaned low in her throat, hands finding her way to his jeans and feeling there what she could not yet see. She could feel him grow under her touch; the denim stretching as she could hear the lustful groan he uttered as they broke their kiss with heavy panting.