[MF] Got wanked on by someone who’s schween I did NOT want to see! (FUNNY)

I wasn’t planning on posting much sexual stuff on Reddit, but this is one of the funniest stories of my teenage years and I couldn’t resist!

Background: when I was 19, there was a guy in my friendship group, we’ll call him A. Knew him a few years, but it had recently become apparent that he’d been cheating on his girlfriend with multiple people, so our friendship group kinda started phasing him out as we didn’t agree with his behaviour.

So, my friends and I are on a night out and my best friend begs me to go with her to some guy’s house because she wants to fuck him. I don’t know why she insisted on having me go with her, although she mentioned something about ‘just in case he’s a weirdo and I want to leave’ or something. Anyway, I don’t really want to, but I decide to help her out anyway, so start saying goodbye to everyone. This is where A comes in. He sees my discomfort and offers to come with us so that I’m not the awkward third wheel at this guy’s house, and I accept because I didn’t want to just be abandoned while my friend screwed this guy upstairs.