This morning!![FM]

So last night I went out to a �friends� house. We dated back in high school for a bit but broke up after almost a year. Anyways we�ve been hooking up every now and then since I�ve came back from college. Last night I went over to his house with the intention of getting drunk and maybe smoking some weed and getting fucked. But he�s trying to get sober so last night was his like last party so there were more people there then I thought there was gonna be. When I got there he introduced me to all the people there and I saw lots of people that I went to high school with and some that I didn�t recognize at all. There were lots of guys there and even though I wanted most of them I knew non of them would try anything because of my ex. But as the night went on I got drunk and flirted with almost everyone. I didn�t fuck anyone last night so I was like fuck, but hey at least I got hella drunk.

Picked up a random guy at McDonald�s!!! [FM]

Last year, I was working as a sugar baby to help pay for school and other living expenses. My sugar daddy flew out for work often, and he often brought me along if he flew out of weekends. He would leave me all alone during the day and sometimes come back at night, or randomly during the day.

This one time he brought me to a city where I knew no one. He was at conferences all day and night, and I had to find ways to entertain myself. I decided to hit up the nicest bars in town to people watch and also see if anyone was down for a quick fuck before my sugar daddy came back to our hotel room. Instead of finding a fine gentlemen who would pay for my time, I got way too drunk and decided I wanted to get McDonald�s.

At a McDonald�s I found near my hotel, I drunkenly fiddled with the kiosk and was unsuccessfully ordering. There was an attractive guy in the next kiosk and asked if I needed help. I first declined, but he started talking to me, asking me where I was from, how was my night out etc. I thought he was a nice enough guy, so once I got my McDonald�s order I asked him if he would like to continue our conversation in my hotel room.