I fucked my best friend after a decade! [MF]

Last night I (M,22) fucked my best friend (F,28). We met over a decade ago which at the time sex wasn’t really on my mind but a few years laters I did try to fuck her multiple times but she denied me each time. Flash forward to 4 years ago when I went off to college and I didn’t see her that much through the year anymore and not to mention Covid….

We had a few drinks and was laying in her bed watching some show on her iPad, we were spooning and my hand was on her stomach when suddenly she through her hand back and now it was slightly above my waist. I stuck my hand down her pants and she was soaked!!!! I played with her pussy through her pants as she attempted to stroke me. I took her pants off and rubbed it some more until I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked her if I could eat her and she said of course.

[M]y [f]irst fwb

Its Monday, I’m on summer break and bored so why not write another story plus these are fun!

So this took place during the beginning of the pandemic (2020). It was around spring break when the outbreaks started and universities across the country began to shutdown. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I spent my spring break on campus in my dorm so when campus shutdown they gave students who stayed on campus the option to upgrade to a single dorm suite with your own bathroom for social distancing. This was a big upgrade from my previous dorm that I shared with my friend and a communal floor bathroom but moving on.

[M]y [f]riend cheated on her boyfriend with me…

So this would be my first post in here and I’m going to use a throwaway obviously. Sorry if this is hard to read, follow or not descriptive enough but I’ll try my best. I’m going to put the year things happened in parenthesis to make the timeline easy to follow.

So to get some context going my friend Ashely and I met in our first year of college (Fall 2018). At first she was interested in dating my roommate at the time but he turned her down because he said she reminded him of his ex. So we became mutual friends during this point because she would come over to our dorm floor with her friends and make small talk with me and flirt with him. After getting turned down by my friend/roommate I didn’t see Ashley as much anymore until she added me one day on Snap chat, I would say it was close to Thanksgiving break (2018) when she did. We started a streak and would just talk about everyday normal things and bully/tease each other every now and then by calling each other loser. After couple days of snapping/talking she asked me if I knew if my friend had a girlfriend or someone he’s talking to. In my head I’m saying “here we go again” she’s just talking to me to get closer to one of my other friend.
Eventually she got turned down again which was weird for me because she’s a fairly attractive girl. She’s not tall, I would say she’s about 5’6 with brownish-reddish hair. She had nice little tits and a kinda round butt but not super round and brown eyes. After getting turned down again we snapped/talked every other day and there wasn’t anything to it. We hanged out a couple of times after that but not alone. Eventually we stopped talking at some point Summer 2019 when we parted ways for summer break. We both went back to our hometowns to work over the summer break.