I Fucking Love Tinder [MF, MF, MF – True Story]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](https://deanssexplorations.tumblr.com/post/156142040877/i-fucking-love-tinder)

I fucking love Tinder.

I had a business trip to the East Coast this week, and as is out of the ordinary I hit multiple cities on the same trip. Tuesday was Philadelphia, where I already have a FWB. She and I had a lovely conversation and catch-up.

Boston was a different matter. I was only there one evening and by the time my flight arrived, I got my rental car, ate dinner, and settled into my hotel room it was after 8:00. Normally too late in the evening to set up a date. Whenever possible I like to line them up ahead of time using sites like OK Cupid, but this time a friend I already have in Boston had to back out at the last minute so I was on my own.

Oh well. When in doubt fire up Tinder and see what happens. After a few minutes of swiping I got a few matches, and struck up a few conversations. But nothing that went much of anywhere until around 10:30 I saw a new match arise; one of the women I had swiped earlier had liked me back. So I said hello, she said hello, and we started a conversation.

DV, Anal, and a Round of Applause [MFM]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](https://deanssexplorations.tumblr.com/post/155890227402/dv-anal-and-a-round-of-applause)

I have a backlog of stories to write. I consider a few to be pretty fundamental and had been planning to tell them next. The only problem is I continue to have adventures, and every so often one of them even proves blog-worthy. And when that happens, I want to get them down while they are still recent. So here goes: a new story elbowing its way into the queue.

I got back yesterday from a trip to New York, where I made two new friends: Karen and her boyfriend Seamus. I had met Karen online prior to a previous trip but we weren’t able to make schedules work out so this was our first meeting. Both of us knew the score and the reason we were getting together. She invited Seamus, which I knew about all along, and everyone was looking forward to getting together. She suggested a bar near the hotel where I was staying, and the meet was on.

I arrived a few minutes before she did, and recognized her from her photo. It was dark, but she spotted me and gave me a hug. We ordered drinks and chatted for a few minutes before Seamus joined us – she having come straight from work.

It’s a Small World (of Casual Sex) After All [MF] [True Story]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](https://deanssexplorations.tumblr.com/post/155519677242/its-a-small-world-of-casual-sex-after-all)

I haven’t blogged much about it yet, but one of my favorite things to do is attend sex clubs and parties. Groups are sort of my fetish and while I love one-on-one sex, there’s a different energy with a group that I find incredibly fun. Beside, it’s a huge taboo to watch other people have sex – and to have sex with other people watching – so that cranks up the fun factor even more as far as I’m concerned.

I have lost exact count of the number of times I’ve been to a sex club or party, but my closest approximation is 20 times or so. And every time I go, in the back of my head I wonder whether I’m going to run into a friend, or a colleague, or an ex girlfriend. Not that the idea of seeing someone I know bothers me tremendously. I figure there’s sort of a “mutual assured destruction” aspect to such an encounter. I won’t tell anyone in your world if you don’t tell anyone in mine. But time and time again I would attend an event, and never did come across anyone I recognized.

Until that one night at Club Kiss.

Sex with the South African Stripper [MF]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](https://deanssexplorations.tumblr.com/post/155156993647/sex-with-the-south-african-stripper)

I enjoy learning as much as I can about the world of sex in countries to which I travel. When my wife was just on the verge of giving me permission to play with others, she had given me carte blanche to go crazy at strip clubs, so at that time whenever I travelled somewhere exotic, I liked going to a strip club and checking out the scene. What happens there, what are the written (and unwritten) rules, how do the guests and dancers interact, how far do the strippers go, all that. I find it utterly fascinating.

About four years ago I had a single night to myself in Johannesburg, South Africa. I did a little research online, selected a strip club that seemed interesting, and got my hotel to arrange a taxi there.

I arrived probably between 10:30 and 11:00. The club was in a lively area of town. It was a fairly nice commercial area and it was the weekend so there was a reasonable number of people about. I paid the cover charge and was escorted to a table, well, a booth really, where I was instructed to sit and watch the activities. The dancers would come to me, and I was not to get up and mill about. Which was hugely different than just about anywhere else I’ve been, where you can typically seat yourself and – as is my wont – if you desire to sit at the stage and hand bills to the girls you’re welcome to do so.

Vibrator Torture at the Erotic Art Show [MF]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](https://deanssexplorations.tumblr.com/post/154886839587/vibrator-torture-at-the-erotic-art-show)

A friend was throwing an erotic art show a few weeks back as a housewarming for her (relatively) new gallery, and she invited thirty or forty friends. I asked Ruby to come with me, but with some inspiration from a story by [http://kuriouskz.tumblr.com](http://kuriouskz.tumblr.com/), I decided I’d give her a little surprise. I told her to wear a dress to the event, and after a little online research purchased a Lyla 2 remote-control bullet vibrator by LELO (which I highly recommend, by the way). I actually got two of them because Rose was supposed to come as well but had to stay with her sick mother at the last minute. Yes, this would have been a fun story with two victims, but I like where it went nonetheless.

When Ruby and I arrived we greeted my friend the hostess, along with her husband, her boyfriend, and at least one of her other boy toys (all of whom were in attendance). And possibly others but those are the only three I know personally. The show itself was tons of fun – great people, several of whom I already knew and many I was meeting for the first time, and a fun variety of art ranging from sculpture to painting to photography.

Blindfold Girl [MF]

It was early 2016 and I had come across an interesting woman on OK Cupid. While she wasn’t overtly sexual in her profile, she had some interesting keywords: rediscovering herself, enjoying new empowering life directions, stuff like that. I’ve learned that women who are re-finding their empowerment often have a sexual side to it and that they are frequently a good match for me.

I sent her a nice note and she responded in kind. She was witty and smart, a good combination. And the (one) picture I had seen of her (face) on OK Cupid was attractive. I was definitely interested. After messaging a bit, it seemed she was as well. We arranged to have a date on Tuesday the following week. A glass of wine at a place not far from her apartment. Both of us knew if that went well we would likely proceed back to her place.

While I maintain an OK Cupid profile and have met my share of women there, the nature of my wife’s and my marriage is not known to friends and family. So I try to keep it somewhat discrete. Part of that discretion is a lack of imagery on my profile. I have a single picture that’s a zoom-in on my right eye. So if a woman wants to see what I look like after we match we have to do a picture exchange. It’s become the modus operandi.

Pizza Delivery Boy Part 2: Dean’s First Threesome [MMF]

As long-time readers of my blog will know, I was a Domino’s pizza delivery boy my senior year in high school, and one particular Saturday night I got the call to deliver a $5.50 small cheese pizza to a nearby apartment complex, while my compatriot Aaron, to whom every cool incident happened, got the choice $18.00 large everything but anchovies pizza to deliver to a different location.

Lucky Aaron. All the good stuff happened to him.

But unbeknownst to all of us, waiting at the end of that small cheese pizza order was a lovely woman named Beth, who was in her early 20s and claimed to be down from San Francisco for the weekend visiting a friend. (Who was oddly non-existent that evening, but who’s to judge?) Who said she was bored, and so ordered a pizza. And was hoping the delivery guy was cute.

I guess I passed the test because I ended up hanging out and fooling around with her. After making land speed records back to my Domino’s location to get clocked out – because despite my thirst for sex, I’m responsible that way. She was still waiting for me so I got her naked, kissed her and played with her tits. And ate out her pussy. She seemed to like what she received because she got my phone number and asked if she could give me a call some time. I was happy to oblige.

Domino’s Pizza Boy: Part 1 [MF] [True Story]

One of my first jobs in high school was as a Domino’s pizza delivery boy. It was a good job, paid well, and left daytime free for school and whatnot. One Saturday night there were two drivers on shift, myself and Aaron. All the best stuff happened to Aaron. He was cool, he was in college, and all the girls liked him. In fact, Aaron had the best story among the drivers: two topless girls once answered the door for him – and gave him a $5 tip to boot. We were all jealous of Aaron.

It was a little before 11:30 p.m. and Sophie, our manager, just had Aaron and me move a new Pepsi refrigerator against the front wall, but was having second thoughts about where it should go when two pizzas came out. Aaron was on tap for the first pizza – an $18.00 everything but anchovies, the pizza everyone wanted to deliver partly because we worked on commission, and partly because people usually handed you a $20 and said keep the change – $2.00 being a great tip in those days. Of course my delivery was a $5.50 small cheese pizza, the worst one you could have. Once again, all the best stuff happened to Aaron. (Keep in mind, if the coin had landed heads and not tails, it would have been me taking off with an $18.00 EBA and Aaron would have been delivering the measly little cheese pizza…)

Caught by the Ranger [MF]

My first wife (Tina)’s family lives in the Seattle area, and back when she and I were first dating we spent a lot of time driving up to see them. On one of those trips we decided to stretch our legs a bit. We found a nice campground a stone’s throw from the highway where we parked and got out of the car.

It was winter, and there was snow on the ground, so we started a little snowball fight, which turned into some playful wrestling, which led to me picking her up and depositing her on the hood of the car, at which point we started making out. Mind you, this is in the broad light of day, maybe 2:00 in the afternoon, and a busy Interstate 5 was about a football field’s distance away. 

We were in the early-ish part of our dating period, and our makeout session soon got our juices flowing. I reached down and undid Tina’s belt, unsnapped her pants, and pulled her zipper down. She gave me an “are we really going to do this?” look and I shot her a “you just watch us” look in reply.

Two Squirters In One Day [F] [M]

I had just landed in Tel Aviv, and I was excited. I had successfully lined up a sex date via Adult Friend Finder with a woman named Marie, and would be meeting her for coffee in a few days. But I had a lot more time to fill up during the upcoming week, in and around the business meetings that had brought me to town.

I pulled out trusty old Tinder and started swiping. A few minutes later, I was getting hits in return and conversations were starting. A possible drink date here and there, and then a promising thread with a woman named Rachel – blonde, intelligent, attractive, and a transplant from New York. By the time the taxi pulled up to my hotel she and I had dinner plans the next day.

Fast forward a bit. Marie (the date I had lined up via AFF) was a very attractive French woman living with her husband and children in Israel and who had discovered six months previously that he was having an affair. Being French, rather than filing for a divorce she decided she would have her own fun and even out the scorecard. She had been sleeping with a small handful of men in Israel but had had her interest piqued by my entreaties. She was very sexy and very good in bed.