I’d like to find Erotic Literature, emphasis on LITERATURE.

I love a good erotic tale, but right now I’d like to find Literature more then Erotica. I’ve once read and enjoyed Rapina and would love to see some Literature where Sex is part of the story for damn sure, but isn’t the sole focus of the story. SciFi/Fantasy Genre, with impregnation being prominent would be lovely.

thanks for reading.


honestly I suck @ searching. what I’d like is an alien tentacle ish story that is big

I want a story, I don’t want just a wank story. I want something with a plot, maybe rape, maybe not. impregnation sure would be nice, but a story (something where you actually have Chapters) that is paid. that is something that is erotic, yes. but not main focus. so it might help and since I’m drunk/horny yes, willing to pay for story as long as its NOT a ton of $$. I want something approaching


or even


to a limited extant.

I want love, life, something where SEX is a reality of life and rape happens though sometimes rape turns into love. please help me find GOOD erotica!