[M/F][M/F/M] Midnight – Episode 4 [Forced/NonCon][Abduction][BDSM]

The muskiness of the basement didn’t bother Hannah, a lingering cedar scent actually made it kind of pleasant. It reminded her of used bookstores and some gift shops. Everything had gone quiet again, and Hannah reasoned that she could hear a fair amount; she could hear Chris walk back out, turn on his car and leave after he used her, but nothing since. Hannah had dried off her body and shaken out her wet hair, leaving soggy limp curls clinging to her back. She wore the large white towel wrapped around her body and bemoaned the lack of skin care products, but had to remind herself there were bigger problems presently. She could find nothing but benign household items in the bathroom, but fared a little better with the refrigerator. Inside the box deposited by Chris earlier she found muffins, the bulk kind about the size of a grapefruit with a fraction of the nutritional value. Hannah was so starved, she couldn’t complain. She sat on the side of her bed, picking at the last third of her muffin and staring at the chain wrapped around her ankle, wondering if it would be possible to slide it off. Hannah took a swig from the jug of water perched on the bedside table. The water and muffin had helped a lot to rejuvenate her. She stared at the partially-emptied jug for a moment, before a thought occurred to her. Hannah crossed her chained foot over her knee and looked at it. Tugging on the chain, she could see it was tight, but there was still some slack. She poured a little bit of cold water over her foot, pointed her toes, then started to tug.

[M/F][M/F/M] Midnight – Episode 3 [Forced/NonCon][Abduction][BDSM]

There was no wind, no moon, no owls. In the distance you could hear the sound of a crackling campfire and crickets chirping ceaselessly. The land and the sweeping mountain-tops around it were shadowed in complete darkness. But you couldn’t call it a dark night; the sky was ablaze with stars, exploded like fireworks beneath the translucent marble belt of the milky way. Beneath was an imperfect mirror, a liquid black sky rippling in the cauldron of Crater Lake. Wizard Island emerged, modest and gloomy in the night, like a tombstone for what the mountain once was. Warm summer nights were a rarity in Oregon, but this was one to remember. Hannah barely even needed her hoodie as she sat on a fallen log overlooking the lake, staring up. A twig snapped when her father approached, sitting beside her and handing her a freshly prepared cup of cocoa. Hannah gratefully accepted.

“This is amazing.” Hannah remarked, then sipped her cocoa a little before promptly burning her tongue.

“Yeah, it’s such a clear night. I don’t know if I’ve even seen stars like this.” Her dad answered jovially. He sipped his cocoa, hissed upon also burning himself, then sat it down.

[M/F][M/F/M] Midnight – Episode 2(p.2) [Forced/NonCon][Abduction][BDSM]

“God damn it,” Logan’s deep baritone voice sounded from his chair just a little ways away. “I just fuckin’ said not to cum in her yet, you asshole.” He bellowed and stood up from his comfortable observation post of his high-backed leather chair, his belt already curiously unbuckled.

“Ain’t my fault.” Chris flashed a villainous grin while excusing himself, “Ain’t never fucked a sweeter pussy. You wanna blame someone, blame ‘er.” he thumbed to Hannah on the bed in front of him, then crawled his way off the mattress, leaving a mess of her in his wake.

Hannah caught her breath, felt the ache in her joints, the soreness of her cunt and the sloppy aftermath of Chris’ assault. She closed her eyes for a moment and started to sob gently, inaudible beneath the loud banter of the men. She just wanted to go home and watch some stupid bullshit on Netflix. Would she ever go back, see her family again? She wanted to say that she wasn’t on birth control, but she was afraid of why they didn’t care. What a stupid thought. What a stupid girl. Hannah’s pity-party was short lived, as Logan barreled forward with a quickness, his volume drowning her out.

[M/F][M/F/M] Midnight – Episode 2(p.1) [Forced/NonCon][Abduction][BDSM]

The warmth of sunlight shone upon her face and the sweet aroma of funnel cakes and kettle corn was wafting thick through the air. In one hand she wielded her annoyingly specialized drink, a sugar free oat milk chocolate hazelnut frappe with extra whipped cream. She had already posted a photo of it. The other swung along in tandem, clutched to her Mother’s. They were at the Boardwalk but Hannah couldn’t say precisely where. Children were laughing and playing, running through the walkways. Amusement park rides were all operating around her. She felt happy to be there with her Mother, but sad that she knew it would be ending soon.

“I’m going to miss you! I just can’t believe how fast you grew up!” Her Mother mourned. “I know that a lot happens in college, so… I just want you to be safe.”

“Well, I’ll miss you too. You can’t keep saying that you know, I’m officially an adult. I mean, in like a few months.” Hannah answered with confidence.

“Oh I’ll be saying it forever. The time really flies. You know sweetie… you’re so beautiful, you’ve taken such good care of yourself. All the tedious effort and countless hours you put in to being your best self – I just want to make sure you give that gift to someone deserving.”

[M/F][M/F/M] Midnight – Episode 1 [Forced/NonCon][Abduction][BDSM]

Dusk crept across the Willamette Valley, the final dying embers of sunlight streaking across a navy blue sky. The mountain-tops darkened to jagged silhouettes, each pine tree a tooth in the gaping maw of the Cascade range. The cold came to Oregon early this year, a vicious biting chill that clawed at your face and ears, burned in your lungs. Desiccated yellow and brown leaves drifted lazily from trees shedding in the grasp of autumn, scattering over a rural road just off the highway. It was half a mile of dirt and gravel ending in a parking lot nestled in the shadow of Mt. Pisgah, overlooking the entrance to a withering and overgrown arboretum. In fair weather and daylight, it was a popular spot with several hiking trails. In the last hour before twilight though, in the frigid air, it was lonely and quiet. Three cars sat abandoned in the gravel lot, the stillness broken only by the forlorn howl of a swelling night wind, the skittering of dead, dry leaves.