My short story series “Mr. Smith” is live on Amazon Kindle today!

I posted the unedited version of part 1,
Mr. smith: The Inception a few days ago on various outlets and it did very well.

My husband helped me with this series as it details how he confessed his desires and talked me into the wife sharing lifestyle. Initially I did not understand him or what he wanted from me, but soon after I really enjoyed myself. Still, my favorite part in all of this is when he told me he wanted to watch me flirt with other guys. It’s what made me decide to go through with his requests. It’s the sexiest conversation I’ve ever had and I detail the entire conversation exactly the way we both remember it.

I hope you enjoy the series. If you haven’t read the unedited version it’s in the list of submission in this thread.

Thanks guys

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Mr. Smith: The Inception (part 1 of 4)

Mr. Smith
Part 1
The Inception
By DD.Secrets

I’m not sure when I developed this desire to watch my wife play with other guys. I know that it began very early on. When I was a kid I started reading sex stories in Penthouse magazine. I was honestly more interested in the stories than of the pictures of the slut of the month. I recall reading a lot of stores that had to do with a cheating wife or about the husband that had a friend over to watch a ball game and they got a little drunk and the husband let the friend have a peek at his naked wife as she slept.

Those stories were the foundation of my child hood. Not Nintendo or Xbox like most kids, but erotic stories. I didn’t quite understand why it aroused me or why I had to read more and more of it. I was just a kid, but I knew how wrong it was to have these thoughts and desires, but I was hooked!

New 4 part series will be going live on Amazon hopefully by tomorrow. Mr. Smith – The Inception. First 25% posted below.

Part 1
The Inception

I’m not sure when I developed this desire to watch my wife play with other guys. I know that it began very early on. When I was a kid I started reading sex stories in Penthouse magazine. I was honestly more interested in the stores than of the pictures of the slut of the month.

I recall reading a lot of stores that had to do with a cheating wife or about the husband that had a friend over to watch a ball game and they got a little drunk and the husband let the friend have a peek at his naked wife as she slept.

Those stories were the foundation of my child hood. Not Nintendo like most kids, but erotic stories. I didn’t quite understand why it aroused me or exactly what made it spark an interest and desire to read more and more of it. I was just a kid, but I knew how wrong it was to have these desires and I was hooked!

First story published on Amazon. Check it out if you have a chance. First 20% of story posted so enjoy!

No lunch break today (Sample)

Anna was a sophomore in college. She was working towards a degree she no longer wanted to pursue. Her parents both lost their jobs due to the pandemic and they refused to take out a student loan to pay for her education. Things weren’t exactly going as planned.

Anna was no longer able to live on campus and had to be out her dorm by the end of the month. The cost was outrageous and her parents couldn’t afford those living arrangements any longer. He parents told her that she had to find a cheap apartment near campus and find a job so she could pay her own rent.

In the meantime, Anna stayed with her friend, Lisa who lived with her parents nearby. It wasn’t ideal, but it was better than moving back home. The girls wanted to find a place of their own so they both began looking for jobs. There was one problem. No one was hiring. All the small businesses had shut down many months ago and never reopened. The restaurants had closed the dining areas and were only doing take out orders. Anna needed a flexible job so she could balance her school work, but there just wasn’t anything out there. She feared she would have to leave school and return home.