Katherine’s dark desires (part 5)

Please see my profile for parts 1-4

This story is dedicated to the real Katherine. U/specialkathy. Kathy is a married white submissive fuck toy that dreams of the day she can become a true black cock whore. She fingers herself while reading these stories while sitting in the bathroom at work. She spends her time fantasizing about becoming the property of dominant black men. She aspires to one day become a cum dump and breeding factory for them.

The rest of the night was a blur. Jerome fucked you several more times. More men came. You kind of lost count. Heather jumped in on the fun. She was really, really submissive to big black cock. That surprised you because of how in charge she was before.

At one point she fingered your pussy just after another black man had came inside you. She covered her finger with his cum and fed it to you as she laughed. It was so fucked up but you loved it. You craved more.

As the sun came up it seemed like between the two of you that you had finally drained all of the black men that I had sent your way. You asked Heather where the bathroom is so you could take a shower.

Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 4)

1-3 in profile

You think you’re going to hyperventilate. Jerome!!!!!! Oh fuck! You’ve been thinking about him for days now. You’ve been fingering your pussy incessantly thinking about his big black cock inside you. The fantasy had made you cum so hard. But the reality scared the fuck out of you.

His massive size was part of it. He was three times your size. But that wasn’t the terrifying part. You had felt his ability to commit violence and inflict pain from the very first second you set eyes on him. You knew if he wanted to he could snap you like a twig for his own pleasure.

As you lay there on the brink of passing out, your pussy shaking like a scared child, you heard Heather greet Jerome submissively. “Good evening sir. Your entertainment is ready for you.

Oh fuck. No. You can’t. “Open your eyes” he commands you in a soft, deep voice. Spoken as a man who expected to be obeyed immediately.

“Ok.” You whisper as you open your eyes.

“Ok? Are you sure that’s the way you wish to speak to me.” He whispered menacingly.

Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 3)

See my profile for first two parts.

The sun has gone down. The view of the city lights from the great room is one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. For a second it takes your breath away and makes you forget you’re about to become impregnated by black men. A strange vision fills your head. You and Bruce are walking the baby in the park. Everyone who passes by looks at you, then at Bruce, then the baby, and then back at you. You can see it in their eyes. They all know you for the whore you really are. The idea horrifies you. At the same time you know it’s what you want in the depths of your soul.

But you’re determined not to let it happen. You fucked a lot of men in college. You could make them cum when and where you wanted them to. These men wouldn’t be any different.

Katherine’s Dark Desires (Part 3)

Part 1

Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 1) from CuckoldPregnancy

Part 2

Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 2) from eroticliterature

The sun has gone down. The view of the city lights from the great room is one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. For a second it takes your breath away and makes you forget you’re about to become impregnated by black men. A strange vision fills your head. You and Bruce are walking the baby in the park. Everyone who passes by looks at you, then at Bruce, then the baby, and then back at you. You can see it in their eyes. They all know you for the whore you really are. The idea horrifies you. At the same time you know it’s what you want in the depths of your soul.

But you’re determined not to let it happen. You fucked a lot of men in college. You could make them cum when and where you wanted them to. These men wouldn’t be any different.

Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 2)

This story’s dedicated to the real Katherine who will be reading this sopping wet and squirming in her panties.

It’s been a couple of days since you left the hotel. You can’t stop thinking about what was done and what was said. You have been continuously excited since I let Jerome finger fuck you. The wait until our next encounter has been excruciating. You’ve already begun thinking about yourself as my property.

When you got home that night Bruce was waiting for you. You didn’t say a word to him. You walked past him like he didn’t exist, took a nice long bath to smooth your stretched pussy, dressed in a pair of comfortable pajamas, and laid in bed.

You tried to ignore your husband as he stared at you from the bedroom doorway. “Did he fuck you?” He finally asked quietly.

“No Bruce, he did not fuck me, yet.” You replied cruelly.

“But he did something didn’t he? He let that ape Jerome fuck you!” He cried, incriminatingly.

Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 1)

You married Bruce two years ago. He’s good looking and a real charmer. From the very beginning he swept you off your feet. He made you feel so good with all the attention he lavished upon you. You fell in love instantly. Well you thought it was love. But really it was a schoolgirl crush. The smart, funny, good looking guy who never would have looked at you in high school was suddenly making you feel like you were a queen. But there was one problem. Bruce was weak.

You saw it before you got married. But in the big rush of things it didn’t seem to matter. He might of drank too much, gambled too much, and didn’t know how to hold on to his money. But damn was he pretty. You were sure you could change him. And the way he talked to you made you feel so loved. All your friends were so jealous. His looks alone should have kept you satisfied. But there in lay the biggest problem. He didn’t satisfy you.

Loving white wife, black cock whore

You’ve been married to Jake for two years now. You love him. He is a really great guy. But he’s not the most masculine guy on earth. He’s not very athletic. As a matter of fact you intimidate him a little. In the relationship you’re in charge of most major decisions. And in bed he leaves you cold. He tries to make love to you. Kissing you softly and gently. But you miss just being fucked. In college you had an affair with a very masculine, sexually dominant older man. You would spend all day thinking about how he was going to fuck you that night. Quivering with anticipation. And while you love Jake so much. You miss that. 

    When Jake dropped out of law school to pursue his art you supported him. Literally. You’ve become the primary breadwinner since your husband didn’t make much money at all.

You worked several jobs that you hate before you landed your current position. You were recently hired as personal secretary for Andre Jackson of Jackson and associated law firm. Mr. Jackson was a very high powered corporate attorney who represented some of the biggest firms in the country. You loved the job. The pay was good. The hours weren’t too bad. And the work was. Well the work was interesting.