Snow Story [M/F 30s][outdoors][anal][pee]

So there we were, trudging through the deep snow, heading back to our cabin. You led the way and I followed in your tracks, occasionally stumbling, my eyes naturally following the delightfully rolling swell of your gorgeous ass in those skin-tight ski pants as you stepped high through the snow…

We stopped for a moment at the edge of the frozen lake. Your face flushed a delightful pink from the exertion, our breath clouding in the cold and mingling together like wraiths of dragon smoke. Fingers and all extremities so chilled as we gazed out over the white winter wonderland ahead of us, the welcoming warmth of our cabin now only a few hundred metres ahead of us on the lake shore.

I turned and took you in my arms… alone in this winter wilderness we kissed so long and intensely, the passion coursing through us and bringing heat to our lips as we kissed on and on, communicating so much feeling, so much excitement through the touch of our lips.. You reached down between us and cheekily caressed the stiffening length you found there, your questing fingers tracing its shape, urging it on as it swelled and grew to stand out beneath your dancing fingers… I could only reach down and stroke between your legs in turn… What a delight to feel the soft humid warmth there through the sheer ski pants, their lycra stretched so tight against your puffy mound and outlining its deep groove so delightfully…

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Royal Hunt [M/F 40s] [Historical fantasy] [Bondage]

The queen watched from the castle tower, waving as the King rode out at the head of his hunting party, splendid in his hunting robes, his cape and leather trousers, his fine black horse a picture of rippling muscles as it cantered beneath him, champing at the bit and tossing his fine head. His big standard flag fluttering high, the party soon disappeared out of sight into the edge of the woods and she turned back into her chambers, summoning her maid to run her a hot bath.

The hunters moved on along the woodland trails, the hounds baying as they ran through the trees in chase of wild boar. On and on they rode, alert to every movement in the undergrowth, every hint of their prey.

Suddenly, a flash of grey-brown sprinted through the clearing ahead of them. The hounds went wild, doubling their speed as they saw the movement and the riders spurred their horses into a gallop, thundering along the earthen path in a ragged line, their horse’s manes and tails streaming out behind them, the men shouldering their lances in anticipation…

The Royal Hunt [40s M/F] [HISTORICAL] [FICTION] [ROMANTIC] [MDOM][CONS] [bondage]

The queen watched from the castle tower, waving as the King rode out at the head of his hunting party, splendid in his hunting robes, his cape and leather trousers, his fine black horse a picture of rippling muscles as it cantered beneath him, champing at the bit and tossing his fine head. His big standard flag fluttering high, the party soon disappeared out of sight into the edge of the woods and she turned back into her chambers, summoning her maid to run her a hot bath.

The hunters moved on along the woodland trails, the hounds baying as they ran through the trees in chase of wild boar. On and on they rode, alert to every movement in the undergrowth, every hint of their prey.

Suddenly, a flash of grey-brown sprinted through the clearing ahead of them. The hounds went wild, doubling their speed as they saw the movement and the riders spurred their horses into a gallop, thundering along the earthen path in a ragged line, their horse’s manes and tails streaming out behind them, the men shouldering their lances in anticipation…


Bound for Pleasure Part 3.. [F30/M50] [BDSM] [CONS] [EDGING] [FSUB]

…I felt like my limbs could not stop trembling, my whole body felt that it had such heightened sensitivity that any touch would be amplified 100 times. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take…

“Right my slut, you’ve had your rest, but you didn’t think you’d be let off this lightly did you?”

I couldn’t believe this was all about to start again, could my body really take much more?

“You asked me to take you beyond your limits – but we have so far to go still…”

With that he took hold of my wrist and tied it once more to the bed post, swiftly followed by the other. Again, I began to feel so helpless as he picked up the sodden rag of my panties and placed them, this time over my head, the wet lace covering my eyes, allowing me to see shapes and movement, yet still veiling my gaze…

But he wasn’t finished… Strong hands took hold of my ankle and lifted my leg right up and back. Soft rope swiftly lashed my ankle to my wrist – and then the other side…

Bound for pleasure Part 2… [F35/M50] [BDSM] [CONS] [ANAL] [TOY] [EDGING]

The story continues… but this time from your side…

I lay there, my arms and legs stretched out like a starfish, my head turned to one side, able only to catch a glimpse of him through the corner of my eye. All I could taste was the spiciness of my own cum, as it oozed from the sodden panties crushed into my mouth.

I had no choice but to swallow it down, every thick juicy mouthful reminding me of the pleasure that had just passed.

I was acutely aware of how widely spread my legs were and how, from standing behind me, he could see every millimetre of my open wet pussy, every tiny hair that I’d missed shaving and every pinky-brown little wrinkle of my ass. I felt so vulnerable, yet also in control. Yes, I was an instrument of his pleasure, but in doing so I was taking every inch of my own pleasure in going to places where I had never been before.

The tension and silence were unbearable. When was he going to make a next move? Whatever was he going to do next? The seconds passed in an eternity, becoming minutes and still I waited, slightly tensed, wondering how it would feel if he used that multi-stranded leather whip on my tender ass.

Bound for pleasure… [F35/M50] [bdsm]

“So…You want to be taken to your limits then my slut?”

You nodded mutely, eyes wide open as you walked into the underground basement. You gave a start as, in the dim light, you saw the lengths of rope hanging from the beam, the line of whips hanging on the wall and the simple bed frame with its cuffs and straps attached…

“Can I trust you?”

“You know me by now, you know I am doing this with love and you know that although you are surrendering me complete control of your body, you are the one who sets the limits and you decide what you want to experience”

“Our safe word is ‘Angel’ as you will fly high and transcend your physical body while we do this. Any other word will be taken as part of your experience and just your release of those emotions that are holding you back from becoming a truly sensual being”.

“Do you understand? Are you ready?”

You nodded nervously…

“We will heighten the experience by blindfolding you, so that you are deprived of the sense of sight and your energies be focused into your body and its relationship with your mind”.

The midnight pool [M/F 30s-40s][oral] [consensual] [romantic][vacation]

That delightful balmy summer evening… We sat drinking chilled white wine on the terrace after our day in the sun, chatting and getting seriously relaxed as the wine’s effects coursed through us. Looking up through the grapevines overhead, the clear sky above was decorated with a million stars and the brightest of moons. Our conversation warm, slow and loving, interrupted by pauses as we soaked in the atmosphere, our silences filled by the sounds of nature around us. No traffic or streetlights to disturb the peace here, only the chirruping of a hundred unseen cicadas, each calling so frantically for a mate that their staccato sawing filled the air…

‘I want to swim’

You stood up and stretched up tall, then, still carrying your glass, made your way over to the steps down to the garden.

Parisian pleasures

Just lying here remembering that first time you massaged me…. How we lay naked together on our Parisian hotel bed after our long day of exploring that amazing city …

‘I’m going to give you a massage’ …Lying there on my front, head turned on the pillow as you clamber up to sit astride me, loving the wet heat between your legs and how it kisses against my back as you settle your weight across me.

Hearing you pouring the oil onto your hands and rubbing them together to warm the oil, then your hands beginning to move over and around my back, rubbing away my tensions, stroking so deep and pushing away all that stiffness.

Feeling your strong hands working down my back, every muscle being pushed and cajoled into relaxation, the air filled with the scent of the oil, with the sound of your breath and the warmth of your hands and your body against me.

Then back up to my neck, finding the knots there and working them free, on around my head, the oil trapping in my hair as your fingers swirled around, leaving it twisted and spiky but my scalp so relaxed…