December 16th, 2023
Classification: safe
>!Southern Florida Biological Containment Facility!<
Pathogens Division
Special containment procedures: Item SCP-5067 is to be kept in an air-tight chamber composed entirely of copper, a metal which is known for its natural anti-bacterial surface. In addition, the entrance to the containment chamber must be fitted with an airlock, with anti-bacterial cleaning procedures and other means of decontamination such as incineration. When interaction with the item is required, only male individuals should enter, and no more than 1 individual should enter the chamber at any given time.
Appearance: SCP-5067 appears as an ice-like substance roughly in the shape of a cube, with a portion of the cube carved out from one of the corners. The block has a very slight blue glow, which is only perceivable in absolute darkness. Observers should note that the object does not change in weight or size (24 kg, 266cm^3 ). Although the object appears ice-like, experiments involving heating the chamber far beyond the melting point were conducted and no change in the object was detected. Due to the containment chamber being made of copper, no experiments have been conducted at temperatures above copper’s melting point of 1984 ^o F.