[MF] My (32) fiancé’s hot sister (29) we spent Christmas together and she made me cum while on the phone to my gf. (Part 6)

So this Christmas we was going to spend it with Jess’s family as we haven’t done so in a while due to covid.. to say I was excited to see if anything happens was an understatement.

We decide to set off on Christmas Eve early morning, we planned on staying at the parents house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, when we arrived Beth called jess and surprised her by telling her she would also stop at there parents house so we could all wake up on Christmas Day together, she asked if I could pick her and the presents up as she couldn’t fit them in her car. Jess agreed and said we would both come get her, I head to get my keys and ask Jess if she is ready, to my surprise she says she isn’t coming as Beth had text her saying there is quite a big present and wasn’t sure it would all fit with all three of us in the car.

[MF] My (32) fiancé’s hot sister (29) I got to see her naked and it wasn’t the last time. (Part 5)

The final part to my story, I haven’t seen Beth since this day so I’m not sure what will happen next…

So after an eventful night with Jess it was Saturday.. we all wake up grab our morning coffees and are talking about my birthday and what we need to do before everyone arrives. Jess reminds us she needed to go get her hair and make up done In the afternoon, not sure if I was reading Beth the wrong way but as Jess told us, we both looked at each other, Beth giving me a smile she had tried to hide, I don’t know why but I got the feeling she was planning something, but just shrugged it off to wishful thinking. I go up stairs to get changed into some old clothes as I wanted to have a quick clean up of the garden, the last job that needed to be done.

Jess says her good bye’s and heads out the house, I head to the garden to get started, Beth heads upstairs to get dressed, we had a lazy morning and Beth was still in her night gown.

[MF] My (32) fiancé’s hot sister (29) I got to see her naked and it wasn’t the last time. (Part 4)

So the final part, I don’t know what will happen after this, I will have to wait until we see each other again.

So this was only in September this year, it’s my birthday so Beth had decided to come to a little house party we was having, just a few friends and family.

My birthday landed on a Tuesday this year so we decided to have it a few days before, Beth came Friday night with the party being Saturday, Friday was chill, talking about the party, things we needed to go get (alcohol, food) we talked about plans for the day, and Jess told Beth she needed to go get her hair and make up done in the afternoon and asked if she wanted to try book Beth in at the same time, Beth declined and said it was ok, she would stay behind and help me set the house up, she doesn’t wear much make up and her hair looked great, I think Jess asked to be polite, we mention getting drinks ready sorting some snacks, the usual party prep! Jess was happy as she didn’t want to start doing all this with nice fresh hair and makeup.

[mf] [mmf] I let my friend (31m)have sex with my fiancé (27f)

Had some interest in this story so thought I would post

So abit of back story:

My fiancé Jess now 28, we have been together for 7 years, no bias shes hot, 5”3 natural mousy brown hair but has been loads of colours, she has a sexy hour glass figure, 32dd tits maybe larger depending on bra brand, tiny waist and a big ass, I’m defiantly an ass man! Has a granddad from Iraq so has some olive skin dark brown eyes some of his foreign features. I met her through my best friend Adam as it’s his cousin, not by blood, as his mum was adopted by jess’s grandad.

So we have a very healthy sex life, both open with each other, id say me being the more open and honest, we have talked about threesomes in general conversations, she always presumed I was talking about mff, it was always quickly shot down by her.

[MF] My (32) fiancé’s hot sister (29) I got to see her naked and it wasn’t the last time. (Part 3)

[If you would like to read parts one and two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qjmaz2/mf_my32_fianc%C3%A9s_hot_sister_29_i_got_to_see_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

I thought it was over!

So over the next few months we visited Beth’s house and she visited ours with nothing happening, I was kind of glad because I’m in a very happy relationship with Jess, but also frustrated because Beth was so hot!

Fast forward a few weeks and we go to Beth’s house for the weekend, Friday is spent doing some shopping and just hanging out together, then Saturday comes, we are all in the garden as it’s a really hot day (we don’t get many in England) I’m in some shorts and t shirt, Jess in some tight denim hot pants, and a crop top looking so sexy, and Beth was wearing a skirt and crop top also looking hot, my eyes constantly being drawn to her.

[MF] My (32) fiancé’s hot sister (29) I got to see her naked and it wasn’t the last time. (Part 2)

So things got more intense…

The next time I seen Beth was about a month and a half later, we hadn’t spoke alone since the first encounter, just general chat when Jess and Beth FaceTime everyday.

This time it wasn’t just Beth visiting, there parents had also come to stay a few nights over the weekend, it was a Friday afternoon and they all arrive, normal greetings me and Beth gave each other a hug which seemed abit longer than normal but didn’t think to much of it.

That night we spent as a group just chatting away, Beth had got changed into her night wear, she just wore a long oversized shirt, through out the night, she kept putting her legs up against her chest, I kept getting a glimpse of her black underwear but nothing to crazy.

it was time for bed, we only have one spare room so the parents took that while Beth stayed on a blow up bed in our room, we watched abit of Netflix and it was time for sleep, just before sleep the sisters said good night.

[MF] My(32) fiancé’s hot sister (29) I got to see her naked and it wasn’t the last time.

So, there is plenty to this story but I’ll start at the beginning.

Here is some back story..

So I have been with my fiancé for 7 years, we will call her Jess but known her for about about 14 years, she is my best friends cousin! When we was younger we would all go out on nights together, this wasn’t to often as they lived about 2 hours away. Jess and her sister we will call her Beth are very good looking! Jess has the better body very hour glass small waist big ass and 32dd breast while Beth is better looking, very slim I’d say maybe a b to c cup. She has done modelling and has been on billboards in her home town! Before me and Jess got together I thought they was both fit but probably spent more time with Beth as she closer to my age and would use me as a pretend boyfriend to keep away unwanted male attention, which there was a lot of! Nothing ever happened between us, we was just very friendly until about a year ago…