[MF] I 20 at the time, fucked my ex 24 whilst she had a boyfriend which resulted in us getting back together.

A bit of back story on this one. When I was 19 I worked at a supermarket and met Becca (changed name). I was in a relationship at the time but Becca and I had an instant connection, like serious chemistry. I’ve never believed in love at first sight but this is definitely the closest thing to it, she was and still is the only person to give me butterflies. I broke up with the girl I was in a relationship with and Becca and I got together. We were together for almost a year and it was incredible, the only issue was I placed her on a pedestal and thought I didn’t deserve her and needed constant reassurance. It got so bad that Becca ended up breaking up with me, which I really can’t blame her for, I was a mess.

Anyway! So after we broke up Becca got into a long distance relationship with one of her childhood friends a few months later. I still had to see her at work so it was pretty awkward. We must have been separated for about 7 months and during that time I worked on myself a lot and got over the issues I had and found a new sense of confidence. Eventually Becca and I get in contact again and become friends. I was still madly in love with her and there was still chemistry there. I wanted her back but was genuinely okay with just being her friend.

I [M] 19 at the time, fucked my girlfriend [F] 23 at work

A few years ago I used to work at a supermarket. I was a team leader and was always given the late shifts (6pm-1am). My girlfriend worked there too but worked earlier shifts than me. Usually if we were staying at hers that night she would drive to the store for when I finished and we’d go to hers (she lived in a village around 10 miles away).

Anyway, one night I had a particular stressful shift. All of my colleagues were waiting for me to lock up so I told them to go as I’d be a few minutes in the office. Once everyone had left I messaged my girlfriend to come in as I’d be a while. When she came in I asked her to follow me into the meeting room as it was one of few places that had no cameras. We had always talked about trying some adventurous stuff but had yet to get round to it.

I [M] 22 fucked one of my college classmates [F] 36 who intimidated me, or rather she fucked me. Part 3.

Me again! Its taken me a while but I thought i’d finally share the 3rd and final part of my experiences with Sophie. If you are unfamiliar you can find parts 1 and 2 on my profile, they are easy to find!

After our last encounter Sophie knew she didn’t have to try hard, she had me on her hook and she loved to torture me. For about a month she constantly sent me photos and videos of herself ranging from wearing revealing outfits, nudes and her masturbating. She seemed to love sending me these during college lectures knowing i’d get hot and bothered and struggle to keep focus. I wasn’t complaining, my wanking material went through the roof and I occasionally received requests from her to send photos and videos of my own, with which I was more than happy to comply with.

I struggled not to ask her when we’d next meet up, i didn’t want to ruin a good thing and sound desperate (which of course I was) so I waited, happily jerking off to any and all material she would send me. I felt like a teenager again, taking every opportunity i had to play with my cock to her videos. I needed it inside her again.

I [M]23 kissed my friend [M]21 and wanted to suck his dick despite being in a straight relationship.

I [M]23 kissed my friend [M]21 and wanted to suck his dick despite being in a straight relationship.

2 years ago my friend and I were having a few drinks in the summer getting ready to go to a music festival we go to every year. At some point our conversation turned to girls and sex. He admitted that he liked guys as well, which I was really surprised to hear, he hid it really well. I told him that I was straight but open to experimenting.

A little while later he said he had a bit of a weird request. He asked me if i could kiss him like I kissed my girlfriend. I had quite a few beers and this point and thought “why not”. I kissed him, and got really into it. Eventually horniess took over and a reached for his belt and told him I wanted to suck his dick as I’d never done anything with a guy before.

He stopped me and said he didn’t want to go too fast and for me to do something i regretted. We ended up just going back to drinking and carrying on as normal.

I [M] 22 fucked one of my college classmates [F] 36 who intimidated me, or rather she fucked me. Part 2.

Me again! My first post got good response and a few people said they were keen to find out what happened next so I thought I’d oblige.

Anyone who hasn’t read the first part can find it here

[I [M] 22 fucked one of my college classmates [F] 36 who intimidated me, or rather she fucked me](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/h9lum4/i_m_22_fucked_one_of_my_college_classmates_f_36/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Anyway! After returning to college the next week after my experience with Sophie I didn’t know what to expect. Was it going to be awkward? Were we going to talk about it and be open about it? I had no idea. I was surprised when I went back and there was just nothing. Sophie was casual as ever, she didn’t mention it, didn’t allude to it, it was like nothing had even happened. Even the facebook messages had stopped. I really wanted to say something, now that I’d gotten a taste I wanted more, I needed more but the last thing I wanted to do was come across as desperate or make her think she had me on her hook anymore than she probably already knew.

I [M] 22 fucked one of my college classmates [F] 36 who intimidated me, or rather she fucked me.

So this story is from a few years ago, I never had anywhere to post it until now and have never told anyone. It comes with quite a bit of backstory so sorry in advance.

A few years ago I was studying Social Sciences at college. I made a group of friends of about 5 people from my class who would hang out between classes. I was new to this group as I came straight into the second year whilst the rest of them had been there the year prior as well. In this group of friends was, lets call her Sophie. Sophie was 36 at the time, had dark red hair, tattoos,huge amazing looking tits from what I could tell and as I found out later was bisexual, used to be a stripper and was a mother.

One day whilst our entire group were having lunch the conversation turned to sex. Everyone started joking that last year Sophie had tried all year to fuck Craig, another member of our group who was about my age, however never succeed. Sophie then jokingly said that Craig was “last year” and that I’d be her new target. I took this as a joke and never really thought anything of it until a few days later.

[MF] I 23 [M] cheated on my girlfriend with 22 [F] at a music festival after I dislocated my knee

I [M23] cheated on my girlfriend at a music festival with a [F22] after I dislocated my knee

Two years ago I went to a music festival with friends, we were staying at a hotel the day before the festival and met up with friends who we had met at the festival the previous year. They had brought a few new people with them this year, one of which i’ll call Emily. Emily was about 5”6, had light brown hair, was tanned, slim, had smallish tits, a big ass and lots of tattoos and a few nose piercings.

Emily and I immediately hit it off, it was all innocent to start with, just being friendly. Anyway the hotel we were staying at had a large grassy seating area out the back which spent all evening in getting drunk. More people who were going to the festival joined and in the end there must have been about 30 of us. We start playing various drinking games and acting like drunken idiots. I end up on a friend’s shoulders and get thrown off, landing awkwardly and dislocating my knee (my friends stills says the noise of it popping makes him squeamish to this day).