Cabin With Leah Part 3 [MF] [Stepsister]

The question she asked me finally brought me back to my senses. Leah was evidently much more of a lightweight than I was. She asked and I sighed, she sensed the change in mood.

“I’m sorry, that was too far,” she panicked. Her face reddened and her voice trembled, very embarrassed.

“This is stupid,” I muttered, upset with myself. I threw my beer on the ground and turned away from her, starting to walk back to the cabin.

“Fuck, I’m sorry,” Leah called. I ignored her. I needed to get out of there before the situation got any worse.

Back at the cabin I slammed the front door behind me. So she could find dinner, I left some dinner by the fireplace for her to heat up. I didn’t feel hungry, so I barricaded myself in my bedroom.

My hormones were getting the best of me during this trip. I couldn’t screw up the relationship my mom had. Every interaction with Leah had been a sort of tease. I found myself falling further into attraction with her looks, her touch, her smell. It was dangerous waters I was treading.

Cabin With Leah Part 2

After that moment of intensity I didn’t know if I wanted to continue or not. To make it worse I was about to climax. Leah hadn’t made another peep after shutting the door so I assumed it wasn’t bothering her that badly. I sat there awkwardly with my hand around my dick, eyes closed in shame. Shame that I was caught, however, not that I was masturbating to Leah.

It took a few minutes but eventually the wave of guilt washed over me and I was able to finish. After cleaning up I carefully contemplated how I would greet Leah for dinner.

Running my fingers threw my hair in thought, I knew I needed to carefully evaluate the situation. Leah was practically my stepsister and I was lusting after her intensely during this trip so far. Undoubtedly, I had to force myself to stop before it could get any worse.

Unfortunately there wasn’t any alternatives to visually aid my hormones. There was no internet so I could browse for porn, and it wasn’t like I owned any magazines. This is modern day America, after all.

Cabin With Leah Part 1 [MF] [Stepsister]

Life was going pretty much downhill for me. For financial reasons I had to drop out of college for a bit, leaving me without a solid vision for my life. It had just been my mom and I trying to figure out how to survive for a while. This event was inevitable and we both knew it; we just wanted to avoid it for as long as we could.

For the past two years, however, my mom had been dating this guy for his money (that’s what I think anyways). He was of some help here and there but obviously not of *that much* help to keep my college career afloat. I’ll give him credit where it’s due, he was actually planning to help us move into a bigger home within a few months. I wasn’t hopeful for this, considering how short of a time span he had been around for.

My mom’s boyfriend saw that I was getting pretty down and over the course of a few weeks he came up with an idea. He offered to rent out a cabin for me to stay in for a week to meditate and such bullshit. It’d be out in the woods with no internet, secluded privacy and plenty of time to rethink things. It really wasn’t that bad of an offer until he threw in the catch.

Medical Mother [MF] [Friend’s Mom] [Oral]

After several weeks of studying and wrapping high school up graduation came and passed. The summer to follow was more quiet then ever because all of my friends were on trips out of town. Everyone came up with their own way to celebrate and I had mine, which was just sitting at home and playing video games.

One of my closest friends, Bryan, was in town and had some drinks to hangout for a night. I took him up on his offer almost immediately and drove to his house in less than hour at noon.

I was about 6ft tall, Bryan being 5’8. We weren’t football players or in any specific cliques but we were relatively popular in high school. Bryan was in a relationship and I broke up with my girlfriend right after our senior prom. Bryan and I had known each other since elementary school and we stuck together because we knew we’d be trapped in this town for all eternity.

Bryan lived with his mother and older sister Hannah. Hannah, like seemingly half of the town was also on vacation with her friends. She was pretty hot and I was never shy of admitting this to Bryan. I could probably never swing with her, however, as she was in a three year relationship.

Jenny (2/2) [FM] [Party] [Oral] [Anal]

Jenny’s relationship with Pierce was never exactly healthy. Truth be told, Jenny was just in it for the sex. Pierce wasn’t exactly a wholesome lover, however, he definitely had his share of issues.

After a week of meeting in private Jenny thought it would be time to introduce him to her parents. Pierce was satisfied to see that Jenny lived in a wealthy home but was nervous nonetheless. Jenny felt the same, uneasy on how her parents would feel about her dating an older black man.

The plan was for Pierce to show up at Jenny’s house in the evening for dinner. Jenny would answer the door, introduce him, and he would feast with her and her parents.

The doorbell rang a few seconds after Pierce sent Jenny an arrival text. Jenny rushes down the stairs and toward the door to beat her dad, who was sitting in the living room closest to the door watching a movie. Jenny opened it to see Pierce smiling, wearing the same loose and baggy clothes he always wore.

“Hey dad,” Jenny called to the next room. “Come meet my boyfriend!”

Jenny (1/2) [FM] [Oral] [Party]

**For context, this story follows Jenny, a lead character from my Hot Tub Fiasco series, in her back story to explain her slutty antics. It is not required to read that series to understand information here but it is of course encouraged.**

Jenny was raised in a large home by her mother and father. They were exceptionally wealthy because her father owned a company and her mother was an orthopedic surgeon. Seemingly a match made in heaven, they were able to provide more than enough for their princess, Jenny, as she grew up.

This was the tone that was set during her childhood at least. Once Jenny reached middle school her mind had matured enough and she could see that her castle was nothing more than a fantasy.

Jenny’s mother and father would constantly argue at times they thought Jenny was asleep or averting her attention elsewhere. They honestly had been wanting a divorce for years but kept their marriage because their lives were too tightly tied together in more ways than one, including Jenny.

Though she learned this, Jenny never vocally acknowledged it for herself or anyone. She knew at a young age that it would be best not to mention it and go on with life as she pleased.

Hot Tub Fiasco Part 6 [Ending] [MF] [Friend’s Little Sister] [Age Gap]

Mallory and I stood in the living room and watched as Jenny opened the door. She opened it just so that it would be blocking Mallory and I from the view, only revealing the kitchen and Jenny herself.

“What’s going on here?” Matt’s voice bellowed.

Mallory and I froze in shock.

“What are you so angry about?” Jenny tried to tame him.

“Don’t fuck with me, you know exactly why I’m here,” Matt said, forcing a step inside. He looked in the kitchen, then to the living room, making eye contact with me.

“What the fuck are you doing here dude?” Matt asked me, charging toward my direction.

“Chill our man,” I yelled, raising my fist.

Before he clashed into me, Mallory stepped in front of me.

“Knock it out, you ass!”

Matt stopped dead in his tracks, now focusing his attention on Mallory.

“Me? I’m the one who needs to stop?” He yelled at her, stopping only because she was in the way.

I began to raise my voice at him, and he did the same to me. Mallory voiced herself as well, and in a matter of seconds none of us could hear each other.

Hot Tub Fiasco Part 6 [Ending] [MF] [Friend’s Little Sister] [Age Gap]

Mallory and I stood in the living room and watched as Jenny opened the door. She opened it just so that it would be blocking Mallory and I from the view, only revealing the kitchen and Jenny herself.

“What’s going on here?” Matt’s voice bellowed.

Mallory and I froze in shock.

“What are you so angry about?” Jenny tried to tame him.

“Don’t fuck with me, you know exactly why I’m here,” Matt said, forcing a step inside. He looked in the kitchen, then to the living room, making eye contact with me.

“What the fuck are you doing here dude?” Matt asked me, charging toward my direction.

“Chill our man,” I yelled, raising my fist.

Before he clashed into me, Mallory stepped in front of me.

“Knock it out, you ass!”

Matt stopped dead in his tracks, now focusing his attention on Mallory.

“Me? I’m the one who needs to stop?” He yelled at her, stopping only because she was in the way.

I began to raise my voice at him, and he did the same to me. Mallory voiced herself as well, and in a matter of seconds none of us could hear each other.

Sexting My Stepsister [MF] [Sexting] [Incest]

My mother was never very smart with guys. Her longest relationship she managed to keep was my father, and that was about four years. She hopped around like a high schooler at a party before finally settling with someone decent once I turned 19. The man was a physician who probably only fell in love with my mom for her *assets*.

In the three years they’ve managed so far, he’s bought a three bedroom house for me, them, and my new stepsister to live in. Alexis, my stepsister, had just turned 18 and was about to start college. She was a bit of a brat, so we didn’t get along much. Alexis thought I was stupid for not going to college and “having fun”, but the reality was that I couldn’t even if I wanted to. See, it’s hard to set the money aside for it when your mom is busy dating around while trying to support her only son.

Alexis and I kept this unstable relationship for the two and a half years while my mom and her dad were in the dating phase before we all moved into the house together. Since we would be under the same roof we knew we had to meet on *some* terms.

Hot Tub Fiasco – Alternative Ending (2/2)

“Pick which one you like best,” Jenny said as she jerked her pajama pants down. My eyes widened in shock as she wore nothing but a thong beneath. Mallory took her pants off, revealing her black lace panties.

“You are such a slut,” Mallory giggled at Jenny.

My head looked left and right at the two meals laid out before me. Mallory definitely had a butt, but it didn’t stand in comparison to Jenny’s. Jenny had a pornstar type of ass. I gazed at her white, freckled cheeks as they swallowed her thong.

“Go ahead and pick,” Mallory turned her head to me. “My feelings won’t be hurt,” she said, looking at Jenny’s ass.

I cleared my throat and spoke, “Jenny.”

“Do I?” Jenny giggled, loving the attention. “You might need to grab it, just to be sure.”

Mallory sat back down, keeping her pants off, and cuddled me again. Jenny backed up closer to me knowing she had just won.

“Do it,” Mallory whispered in my ear. “All of this is okay. Promise.”

I placed both hands on Jenny’s ass cheeks and squeezed. Jenny laughed, placing her hands over mine so I wouldn’t let go.