Straight woman made to do lesbian things

Hi, I was wondering if you people could help me find stories in which straight (or mostly straight) woman are forced into lesbian situations. Well my issue is that I am not sure where to look for, or what exactly to google. Because if I search for “forced lesbian” I get the extreme humiliation stories that I am not a fan of.

I just want a good story where a straight woman is made to do lesbian things against her will without it being to extreme… For example two girls making a bet, knowing that they will dislike the outcome is in my opinion okay because both parts accepted the bet knowing the consequences. But extreme blackmail is imo not very sexy.

Now I am not a complete lazy leech, so here is a story I have found: [LOSING THE SUPER BOWL 2015](

>A young woman learns not to bet on the Super Bowl.

it’s a story about two girls betting on the super bowl which ends with one of them going down on the other. I like it because it’s not too extreme.

>OK, I was way drunker than I should have been.