Broke Down Under [MF]

This occurred when my friend and I were traveling Australia a few years back. We had been used to the prices of South East Asia and when we got to Australia we were shocked at how quickly our funds were depleting with the smallest of rental cars and staying at all the cheapest hostels. It was at one of these hostels where we were sitting down over a beer discussing how broke we were and trying to figure out how we could save some money, when a middle aged good looking brunette walked over and asked if she could join us, and introduces herself as Crystal. Now, I’ll be honest, my buddy is much better looking than myself, he worked out constantly and was completely chiseled. I typically did ok for myself, as I am 6’4″ and in reasonably decent shape, but make no mistake she came over for him. We got to chatting and she was just in town staying at the hostel for a wedding or something, and she mentioned she lived in the outskirts of Sydney, and that we should stop by if we ended up traveling that way. We drank the night away she hit on my buddy relentlessly he had a girlfriend at the time and wanted nothing to do with it. The next morning she’s gone and we’re still broke. We get to talking and eventually my friend says, “Hey, what about Crystal’s place, we fly out of Sydney, lets cruise down to her place, return the rental car early and just crash at her place for a week.” I was indifferent, and said, “sure, but how can we get ahold of her.” Turns out she had gotten him her number and they had been texting. He set it up and we were on our way to Sydney.

Drunken Night Out in Thailand [MF]

Ok, this happened when I was traveling through Northern Thailand, my friend and I had split of for a week where I wanted to see the tigers and ride some elephants. I signed up for an elephant excursion and just wanted to see the country and the culture. I’m not blind however and when a gorgeous ebony woman and her boyfriend showed up, I took notice. It was a great group, we had fun laughing and joking as we traveled through the country side, checked out several villages, and ultimately ended up at the town we had set out from.