Sex-Positive Society: Young Love [M20/F18+][Free Use][Public][Exhibitionism][School]

Eli groaned as he rubbed his eyes and stumbled out of bed, unable to sleep anymore due to the rhythmic thunks emanating from the kitchen. If there was one downside to a completely sex-positive world, he thought, it was that peace and quiet was nearly impossible to find. Not that he minded in this particular instance, however, as he needed to get up anyway for an early college class.

He made his way still half asleep to the communal space of his flat, where, as expected, he found the origin of the noise that woke him up. His flatmate Eric was already awake and vigorously fucking his girlfriend Haley on the kitchen counter. Her blonde ponytail swished back and forth as he pounded her pristine pussy, and her firm breasts jiggling a little with every thrust.

“Sorry if we woke you up, man,” said Eric, pulling away from making out with his girlfriend.

“Yeah,” added Haley unhelpfully through her moans. Eric hadn’t slowed down a bit when he entered, so Eli couldn’t blame her for not being more talkative.