Door to Door Bible Salesman [MF]

Back in collage, over a summer break one of my friends told me he’d made around $10K selling “books” door to door for 4 weeks and asked me if I was interested. I was the typical broke student at a small directional university in the mid-west. I had some financial aid, but not much left for anything else. What the hell, why not give it a try.

I, along with 4 other guys in my dorm, went to Nashville fora 2 day “sales training”. The books we were selling were bibles,topical bibles and bible stories for kids. They gave us a script to learn how to get in the door, tell the story then try to close the deal. I’d never done anything like this and was already skeptical, but what the hell, I needed the money and they made it sound easy. I played football & wrestled in High school so I was in shape, my teeth were straight and I owned a couple of ties so the trainer told me I had all the essentials be a natural salesman (ha).