[MFM] My Year as a Sugar Baby Pt.3: The Trip

Part 1:

My Year as a Sugar Baby Pt. 1: The Massage [MF] from gonewildstories

Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yvjt9e/my_year_as_a_sugar_baby_pt_2_the_party_mff

A couple pics from the trip:

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Edit: Sexual adventures start after the †††††s below.

“Cancun?!? Oh my God Damon I’m so excited!”

I jumped up and down, shouting into the phone, expressing my elation to my Sugar Daddy; who had just informed me of an all-inclusive trip we were taking together to Cancun. Complete with first class flight and a five star hotel.

We were about 8 months into our relationship and things had been relatively low key. Nothing as wild as my night with Carlos and Angelica at Damon’s house.

I would meet up with Damon a couple times a month for a date. We’d go shopping, have dinner, and then go back to his place for a massage and oral sex like our first time. In all our sessions together he’d still never fucked me, and only received head once because I insisted.

My Year as a Sugar Baby Pt. 2: The Party [MFF]

“Hi gorgeous. Party starts tonight at 8pm. Please arrive an hour early and buy a red dress with the money enclosed…”

I smiled as I read Damon’s letter that he slipped under my door. My mouth dropped open when I pulled $400 cash out of the envelope the letter came in.

I bought a red dress per Damon’s request. I also got a Brazilian wax and my nails done. I was sure to arrive on time at Damon’s house, where the party was being hosted. He commented on my beauty and gave me a tour of his home, something we didn’t get to the first night I was there.

“We can skip the bedroom since you’ve seen that” he joked playfully, smacking my plump ass and giving it a squeeze. I giggled and leaned into him, letting him give me a tender hug.

The bar I was hired to tend was outside on his deck. I started setting up my station after pouring Damon a drink. Before walking away to wrap up party preparations, he looked around, reached under my dress and found my bare pussy already getting damp. He ran his finger over my wetness, brought the glistening digit to his mouth and tasted my juices. I shuddered at how hot what he just did was and gazed at him as he walked away confidently.

My Year as a Sugar Baby Pt. 1: The Massage [MF]

I’ve always been turned on by age play. Whether a man is much older than me, or much younger (legal of course), the sex based on their respective life experience adds an extra layer of taboo that drives me wild.

In my 20s, I worked as a waitress or bartender. There was no shortage of older men that’d shoot their shot at a young, thick, big titted latina like me when I served them drinks. I knew how to work the bar and flirt to maximize my tips, but I’d never gone home with anyone or dated a customer.

That was until I met Damon. A software salesman in his mid-50s, I noted that Damon was a couple years older than my Dad. He had beautiful green eyes and thick, full lips surrounded by a well kempt silverfox beard. His head was shaved and he had a natural tan from his long jogs outdoors. His slim runners build looked trim in his suit, and his deep voice would make my knees weak when he’d address me.

Dominated in Vegas in Front of My Friends [MFF]

For my 25th Bday my girlfriends and I took a trip to Las Vegas for my first visit. I was single, going through an ‘off again’ period with my now husband and also through an exceptionally slutty phase in my life.

We got a great deal on a room with an amazing view overlooking the strip with 3 bedrooms and a balcony. The girls and I spent most of our days drinking, some light gambling, and caught a few typical touristy shows. It wasn’t until the 3rd night that we thought how fun it’d be to go to a male strip club. Magic Mike style. The girls I was with were no strangers to kink and were very sex positive so the whole trip felt like a safe space with no drama.

One of the girls mentioned how we could just request a private dancer to come to our suite and we all agreed that was a great idea. There were 4 of us and we were already stocked on alcohol and weed in the room. The tequila shots started to flow as the music bumped and we all started to get loose and rowdy.

My First Time Cheating/Revenge Fucking [FM]

Trigger warning for hard drug use…

When I was 20yrs I was madly in love with my high school sweetheart. We’d been together since we were 17yrs old and as far as I was concerned I’d end up marrying that guy.

Until on a girls’ night out, an acquaintance of both of ours let it slip that she’d heard my BF had hooked up with some hostesses at his job (we were both waiters at the time).

I was drunk, furious, and devestated. I confronted him over the phone and he admitted to what he did. We were living together at the time and I decided to move away to another state to live with my parents and put my life back together. He was very apologetic and tried his best to make it up to me. As much as I wanted to go back to normal I just couldn’t, though I continued to engage in a long distance relationship with him hoping eventually things would get better.

I had gotten a job while living with my parents at a local steakhouse. I was making decent money and living the restaurant lifestyle of sleeping in late, raking in cash, and spending it the same night while out with coworkers.

Gangbang with my Cousin While on MDMA [group]

I was 24 yrs old when this happened (36yrs now) and in a long distance relationship with my now husband.

We were realistic about monogamy and that we both weren’t going to be happy only having sex for a week when we’d see each other every few months.

I was more “don’t ask/don’t tell” regarding the girls my husband was fucking. My husband however, developed a cuckold/hotwife fetish and wanted to know all about my adventures. I was shy and would usually deny or downplay my hookups.

I was a bit of a party girl back then and really enjoyed drinking, rolling on Molly, and smoking weed.

One night my cousin and I got dressed up to go to a house party. On the way we both dropped some Molly, expecting to get sweaty dancing and maybe make out with a hot guy. What we got instead was a chill, guys’ poker night with 5 other dudes.

My cousin apparently got the date wrong and we showed up a night early. As we arrived both of our pills kicked in and we started feeling the stimulating effects of the MDMA coursing through our bodies. We decided to hang out for a bit before excusing ourselves to a night at the club.