Hi! I need help with recommendations!

Ok so this needs some context. I am quite behind my peers when it comes to sex. I have always been scared by the topic and know next to nothing about it (the level I’m at is that I learnt what a hickey is the other day). I’d often skip sex scenes in movies if I wasn’t prepared for them and, quite surprisingly for a teenage boy, I have never even masturbated and I’m unsure if I’ve even felt sexual pleasure. *But*, over the past few days I have grown more comfortable around the topic and made leaps which are small to any normal person but are huge for me, such as how I’m more comfortable watching sex scenes in movies and tv shows and feel like I can talk about it freely online.

My main goal is to be comfortable watching porn, having some sort of understanding what I enjoy and maybe even masturbate for the first time (but that’s still very daunting to me haha). Someone I’ve been talking to told me I should try reading erotic fiction books before moving to porn to engage my fantasies and to understand sex from the female perspective (which porn apparently cannot do) so my question is **can you recommend me some beginners erotic literature suitable for teenagers?** They can be online stories but I’d much prefer **books** if possible.