Allie’s Subway Encounter [M/F] Pt. III

See Parts [I]( | [II](
Allie had taken the subway to work from Brooklyn to get to her place of work in Manhattan one cloudy, uneventful morning when the train became stranded in a pitch black tunnel underneath the river. The car was packed but a stranger behind her began interacting with her in ways she had not planned on. His overtures had gone from incidental touch, to massage, to more.

Now, the announcement rang over the PA:

“Attention, the crews are now reporting back that their work has gone faster than planned. The power could be returned at any minute, so you should have light back again. Thank you for your patience.”

Allie’s heart skipped a beat and she immediately pulled his dick out of her mouth and scurried to put her clothes back on. Putting her clothes back on was a bit of a misnomer as technically, she hadn’t removed any clothing. It had only been unbuttoned and or slipped down. The stranger’s dick went limp as he heard the emergency announcement and rushed to zip his pants back up. Allie struggled to her feet with her slacks still down beneath her knees. She was disoriented and soon thereafter the car lurched forward from a stop without warning.

Allie’s Subway Encounter [M/F] Pt. II

Part I [here](
Allie was on the subway car stranded for an undetermined amount of time in the dark underneath the water on her way to work. The stranger behind her had been a mystery. She had no idea who he was, and he had started by at first resting his hands on her shoulders and then massaging her. Allie was continually shy and an introvert. She enjoyed her private time and her private space. Even so much as talking to a stranger was a rare occurrence for her.

Yet, for some reason, she was intrigued by this person whom she had never met. She was, after all, on her way to work, and bored. How much fun is it to sit on a subway car on your way to work with nothing to do? She figured she might as well at least allow herself to enjoy the friendly massage. It wasn’t a big deal, and she’d get off the train in less than an hour more relaxed and hopefully with that troublesome kink worked out of her neck!

Allie’s Subway Encounter [M/F] Pt. I

Allie lived in Brooklyn and worked in Manhattan for a large creative agency. She had moved there last year after graduating from college at a fresh 22 years old. She was cute, spunky and quiet. Allie was an introvert and kept to herself, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t cute af. Her curly brown hair bounced off her white skin, while her brown eyes peered out from behind her cute-geeky spectacles. In addition to being a super cute book-nerd, Allie had a phenomenal figure. She stood only 5’4”, however her figure was slender, with curves in all the right places. When she was younger, she had been a competitive figure skater. Allie had her own place in Brooklyn and loved having her privacy. Her hairless cat lived at home in her small, but cozy brick loft.
The train was already getting full by the time she got on. It was a cloudy April day out, but the weather was still tolerable. At this point, it was standing room only and Allie ended up towards one corner. There was one more stop before the train would go under water. It always freaked her out a little bit as she felt out of control being in a steel box underneath the water for even a short period of time. More people hurled themselves into her car and it was now pretty close to full. She was reading a book with her headphones in and rarely, if ever, talked to strangers. The car descended underwater and Allie kept on minding her business.
As the car slipped into darkness, it sped up and she heard the whirring sound of the train snaking its way through the tunnels. All the sudden, an announcement came over the car’s PA system.
“Attention, attention all passengers. Due to an unexpected event we will be making a short stop. I repeat, this is not an emergency, we will be making a short stop.”
The car slowed down and came to a halt. You could hear the passengers lightly moan at having been delayed. Everyone was still patient nonetheless. Allie peered her nose out briefly from in between the pages of her book and looked around her. She was surrounded by a sea of humanity. There was an old lady with a white and blue shirt crouched over holding a bag, a younger white guy that looked like he was a skater punk, some hipsters, and office workers. She didn’t pay too much attention and returned to her book.
The loud speaker blared again: “Attention, attention, due to maintenance on the track ahead of us, we will be stopped for just a few more moments.”
Everyone let out a collective groan. Allie didn’t have to be at work until between 9:00 and 9:30, so she wasn’t too stressed. She hunkered down in her book and tuned out the world around her. A couple more minutes passed when another announcement came over the loud speaker.
“Passengers, there is an electrical interruption occurring while necessary repairs are made. If the lights momentarily go out, do not be alarmed. I repeat, do not be alarmed and do not panic.”
People had already accepted that the train was going to be late by this point. The lights flickered and then went out completely. The car was darkened, and everyone let out a collective gasp. Emergency lights were still on in the tunnel ahead so it was possible to see the outlines of some shapes. However, it was mostly dark.
Allie could no longer read her book, however, she kept her headphones in mainly for privacy even though she wasn’t listening to anything. She put her book away and waited patiently when she felt what she thought was a hand brush up against her shoulder. It was a crowded car and she knew people were antsy so she ignored it. However, the hand was then on her right shoulder. She thought it was a bit odd but figured someone was just resting their hand on her shoulder for a quick break.
The hand remained there while Allie mentally rehearsed her day. There was no cell signal down here, so she couldn’t text her boss to tell her she was going to be late. The car was full so trying to find a seat was not an option. A moment later, Allie felt a second hand go up on her left shoulder. She was wedged in and couldn’t really even turn around if she wanted to. Nonetheless, Allie figured that the passenger behind her needed a break and didn’t say anything.
An announcement came on again. “Attention, all passengers. We apologize for the delay, however, due to unexpected electrical issues, the train will be delayed for another couple of minutes. Thank you for your patience.” Now, a huge collective groan was let out. Allie stayed patient. She had forgotten that a stranger had both hands on her shoulders. She thought about it and tried to figure out who it was that she had seen. However, she had mostly looked in her field of vision and this individual was standing directly behind her. Come to think of it, was this a man or a woman?
She brushed the thought away and considered what she would do once she got home. She had a lot of designs to work on today. Then, she felt the grip on her shoulders change. The fingers felt large and strong. This was almost definitely a man. A moment later the hands started to massage her shoulders, ever so slightly. It was happening very, very slowly. So slow in fact that she said nothing. In fact, it felt kind of good. She waited patiently in the sea of humanity in a metal car underneath the water.
Allie was very shy and hated conflict. Then the massage started to become more direct and more obvious. The stranger behind her started to massage her upper back. It felt therapeutic and Allie’s shoulders were tight from being hunched over a desk all day. Allie turned her head towards the front of the car and still saw the glow of the emergency lights from the track ahead of them. She made no attempt to re-position herself.
Shortly thereafter, she felt the hands work their way down lower on her back. “Oh, I guess this is more of like a back massage she thought to herself.” The stranger’s hands started sweeping over her tight-fitting cotton shirt. Now, she could feel them bumping over her bra strap. About 5 feet in front of her by the door, she heard the skater guy say to his friend with dreadlocks, “ha, who would have thought we would have gotten stuck underneath here?”
Some people started lightly conversating. A moment later, Allie was shocked when she felt the hands reach up from the back underneath her shirt and the massage continued on her bare skin. Now, she smiled and let out a little giggle. This felt really good to her and she was not about to do anything that would cause it to stop. The hands were almost definitely those of a man and felt a little bit textured or rough. While the stranger was bold, they were controlled and she oddly felt a sense of trust to this person she had never met before.
Then, another announcement rang out: “Attention, attention. The delay that is causing us to sit on the tracks has no new update. We will be here for at least another 10 minutes.” Now, the passengers really let out another groan. However, things did not turn into a frenzy. The hands from the stranger that were massaging her suddenly stopped. Allie just continued about her business and thought about her hairless cat at home, and what mischief he was getting himself into now.
A minute or two later, Allie felt the same stranger’s hands again start massaging her back. First, it was on top of her shirt and then it returned to underneath her shirt. The stranger started rubbing up and down and then in little gentle circles. It felt so good. As the stranger’s hands reached higher, he started to massage her oblique muscles. The stranger’s hands then came up to where her bra was and for a second they bumped up against her breasts. The passenger then started to massage her shoulders underneath her shirt. There were people all around her and she could barely turn around, even if she wanted to. No-one had any idea of what was happening between her and the stranger.
She began to assume that the stranger was a man due to how large and strong his hands were. As his hands came down towards her bra, they again came around the sides and rubbed up against her breasts. This time, however, he cupped his hands directly on her breasts and massaged the area around the bra. Allie had heard of therapeutic massages that did involve the breasts so she figured that this friendly stranger was legitimate. She considered for a moment if she should stop it, but she was shy and what else would she do while trapped in a subway car in the dark? It had been at least 6 months since she’d slept with someone.
Up to this point, neither of them had said a word to each other. Her fellow passengers mostly sat there doing nothing in the dark. The stranger then continued to Allie’s back and gave a couple of light circular strokes on her back. His hands then came to the clasp on the back of her bra. “OH my God”, she thought to herself. She wasn’t sure if he was going to unhook her bra.
Both hands came to the clasp of her bra and quietly unhooked her bra. Allie took a deep breath and her heart began to pound. The man took both hands and reached them underneath the bra cups. He began to perform a massage on her solid 34B breasts. Allie couldn’t believe that someone she had never met was now fondling her breasts in a subway car in pitch black!
Right then, an old lady tapped Allie on the arm.
Allie was surprised. “Excuse me, do you know when we’ll be moving?”, asked the old lady.
“No, ma’am. I’m sorry, I don’t know either.”, she responded.
Now the stranger began to caress her nipples. She had a stud pierced into both nipples which he gently played with. Allie was feeling aroused when suddenly his hands pulled away and she was just left standing there. She looked down at her bag but could barely see anything.
People really weren’t doing anything now. She waited another 5 minutes when another announcement came over the PA: “Attention passengers. Work crews are repairing the lines ahead. There is no new update as to when power will be back and we will resume.”
All of a sudden she felt the hands again touch her back. This time, he massaged her back but on the outside of her shirt a little bit. She thought that this was pretty much all that would happen and it had felt a little bit weird, but it had been a nice diversion. He continued by rubbing her shoulders and even touching the back of her neck, which was a sensitive spot for her. As he touched the back of her neck underneath her hair line, she let out a slight ‘ahh’.
His hands slowly worked their way to the front of her body when he reached again underneath the front of her shirt and began massaging her tummy. Allie was fit and wore a size 0 dress with a 24” waist. Slowly, his hands began to reach down towards her tailored business casual dress slacks. His hands went for the top button and Allie took a deep breath. He slowly undid it and placed two fingers down the top of her slacks. She was wearing a string thong and he lightly ran his fingers over the outside of her g-string panties and then abruptly pulled them away.
Allie took a deep gasp and sighed at the thought of what may happen next…
TO BE CONTINUED (links to other works in the comments)

The Train Station, Pt. IV

Last we checked, Ranal and Cece, the homeless beggar, were on their first date and getting to know each other better at Frank’s Bar & Grill. Ranal had learned that Cece indeed did have a past, however, she was an intelligent woman and she was quite stunning in her own right. Besides having actually really nice, porcelain white, smooth skin, she also had beautiful turquoise-green eyes and a spectacular ballerina-like figure. Back at her ‘place’, she had just decided to make herself more comfortable in front of Ranal, proceeding to become fully naked.
“Oh my god, wow”, thought Ranal to himself.
Cece had a perfectly shaven or waxed (he couldn’t always tell the difference) pussy and a lengthy statuesque figure that seemed to stretch upwards for miles. Moreover, she wasn’t skinny, but she had very subtle, feminine curves. Cece paused, while still fully nude and looked Ranal in the eyes, seemingly unaware that she was totally nude.
“What do you think of my place?”, she asked.
“Uh..uh…it’s lovely”, called back Ranal.
Ranal was unable to think or speak clearly. All he could do in that moment was stare at Cece’s amazing figure. Ranal had seen plenty of naked women but she was something altogether different. He didn’t know how to read it. She was just so sexy. Cece went over to a cardboard box, which was her dresser, and pulled out a pair of loose-fitting shorts, and a t-shirt with a logo of an alligator that said Lacoste on it. She slipped on the shorts and the t-shirt and giggled.
Cece walked over to her bed where Ranal was relaxing. She laid next to him and propped her head up with her hand. She smiled and looked him in the eyes.
“I’m curious”, said Ranal. “You said you needed help before. But, what exactly do you need help for?”
“Look, you see where I’m living. This is not easy.”
“I get it. I get it.”
“I’ll see what I can do. I’m not a sugar daddy.”
“I didn’t say you were, and I’m not looking for one.”, she fired back.
“There’s one thing, and I can’t quite get it off my mind. This is so awkward.”
“Never mind. I’m not even going to say it.”
“No, say it. I want the truth.”, said Cece.
“Well, it’s just a moment or two prior you just undressed in front of me.”
“Yes I did”, answered Cece. “And not everyone gets to see that.”
“Can I see it again?”, he asked. “I swear, I’m not a creep. I, I..I’m an artist and I’m studying the human figure.”
“Oh, you want to see my boobs.”
Without any further questioning, Cece peeled off her t-shirt and sat upright. She matter-of-factly held them in her hands. Ranal stared on in wonder. Her boobs were a work of art, not the gigantic, unnatural, silicone stuffed melons so many other women had. Ranal sat up and leaned forward to kiss her. Cece shot her tongue out and began passionately making out with him.
Ranal reached his hand forward and placed it on her breast and began feeling it. Cece was into it, and he began stroking her long, brown hair. Cece had beautiful, silky, healthy hair.
Ranal pulled back for a second and gazed into Cece’s eyes. “Can I, um, see your bottom too?”
“You want to see here?”, said Cece pointing at her shorts.
Cece shot straight upwards and peeled off her shorts while shaking her butt lightly to wriggle the fabric off. She put her hands over her sternum and ran them down her chest until they were at her sides.
“Wow”, exclaimed Ranal.
“Do you want to see the back too?”
Cece did a 180 and while still standing, Ranal saw the arch in her back and he noticed just how much her ass stuck out. Cece separated her legs slightly and then bent over. Ranal touched his groin and felt his penis getting ever harder.
“Did anyone ever tell you, you’d make a great artist model?”, asked Ranal.
“You mean like one of those people that gets paid to stand there naked while people draw theml?”
“You draw?”, asked Cece
“Yes, I’m kind of an amateur artist but it’s my passion.”
Ranal sidled over to his backpack and unzipped the outer sleeve. He took out an artist’s sketch pad and flipped it open.
“Oh my God, you did these?’” asked Cece stunned.
“Yep, it’s a form of meditation for me. It helps me to relax.”
Cece looked closely at the sketches of first a bowl of fruit and then a nude male model with shadows casting over him. She flipped further and saw the nude female models.
“Are these all done with pencil?”
Cece, still laying there naked, flipped through the book.
“I wish I could do this.”, she said. “I can’t draw my own ass cheek.”
“You can. I’ll teach you how.”, said Ranal.
“I suck at that stuff, and I’m too embarrassed to even try.”
“If you’re here tomorrow, I’ll bring you a sketch pad I have and some supplies. You just need a little bit of practice.”
“You said before that you thought I’d make a great artist model?”
“Uh huh”
“Why?”, asked Cece, seemingly bewildered.
“A lot of people today just don’t have a defined form, and often can’t hold a pose for very long.”
“Your figure is classical. It’s actually perfect for life drawing. And, it’s easy money. A lot easier than hanging out in front of a train station.”
“Can you draw me?”, asked Cece.
“I might be able to, it’s just that I’m getting really tired now.”
Cece shrugged and looked disappointed.
“I’m going to head back home.”, said Ranal.
“Come back tomorrow to the train station at the same time and place, and we’ll see what can be arranged ”, said Ranal.
Ranal gave Cece a light peck on the lips and headed out, leaving her completely naked in front of two garbage dumpsters.
Upvote to see Part V.

The Train Station, Pt. II

Ranal had left the train station and had to go back to work to take his conference call. After that he was free. He had agreed with his newly found beggar friend, Cece that he would take his conference call and come back an hour later so they could get a drink or some food. Ranal booked it back to the office, shoveled in his orange chicken and sat on the call. He had hoped it would end sooner but people in corporate seem to take forever.

“One more question”, asked Sandy the Financial Analyst on the call.

Ranal rolled his eyes. Finally, the call ended. Ranal had to bust one out before he left. Better here than the train station bathroom he thought to himself. Finally, he walked back and there was Cece. The crowd outside the station was noticeably smaller now. Cece was just standing there. As he approached her, she turned around.

“Heeeeeyyy”, she said with a long tone of voice. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to come back.

As Ranal neared her, it wasn’t obvious how they should greet each other. It looked like he came in for a fist bump that then turned into a semi-hug where he just placed his hand on her shoulder.

The Train Station Pt. 1

It was 11:57 and Ranal decided that it was time for lunch. He was in the office this day. It was such a drag during the pandemic to work from home. Working from home in your sweatpants is fun, for a while, but how many times can you slurp coffee, browse Reddit on your breaks, or just lay down and take a break, before you want human interaction? Ranal worked in the tech sector for a large manufacturer in his major metropolitan home city. Like many others, it was OK, but he got bored, and dreamt of other things.

Wouldn’t it be cool if he could travel the world for a living? Being able to visit the ancient cities of Japan, the windmills of Holland, or the cities in Germany seemed like a distant dream to Ranal. He walked over to the train station where the food course was, from which you could get just about any option. Literally any option was available. Stir Fry? Check. Mediterranean? Right on it. Insane deli sandwiches? How many do you want? And besides an insane food court, there were also 3 bookstores which Ranal loved. Ranal ordered his Chinese food and decided to take it back to the office so that he could chow down there before his 1:30 meeting. He walked through the corridor and out through the enormous lobby before heading outside to make the 2 block walk back to his office situated on the river. Outside of train stations it is not uncommon to find people begging for money or just plain desperate. At one point, Ranal even saw an entire family, mom, dad and their three kids parked out on the bridge sitting on a blanket begging for money.