A Convenient Affair Ch. 5 Party Favors [M38/F44] [Cheat] [Con] [Affair]

*Sorry for the long wait, I’m going to try and get on a better schedule! As always, any feedback is welcome and appreciated, hope you all enjoy!*

Nicholas stepped into the house, both arms lined with bags from the store with all the items Tina had requested for the party. He shot her glances as he struggled to open the door a little, watching her sit there and just talk away on the phone with Stacey. As the bags hit the floor, Tina threw a look back at him for him to be quiet since she was on the phone. Nicholas shook his head. *No, no I don’t need any help at all h*e thought. He smiled to himself a little, thinking about all the help he had gotten from Lee just the other day, that innocently seductive image of her still on his mind.

Tina had hung up the phone after a bout of cackling, she got up heading towards him. She was carrying a box.

“Got a fun little package here today,” she said, shaking the box. Nicholas just looked at her, reaching for the box as she handed it to him.

A Convenient Affair – Ch. 4: Hidden Pleasures [M38/F44] [Con] [Cheat] [Affair] [Toys] [Discreet]

*Next part is here! Hope you all enjoy it, as always any sort of feedback is always welcome and appreciated as is the continued support!*

Nicholas fell down onto the bed next to Lee, both huffing, panting heavily. Both their arms sprawled over top of their heads, bodies glistening with sweat. They both let out a small, breathless laugh as they laid there. Nicholas turned his head towards Lee and found her doing the same, both smiling. Lee rolled over towards him, putting her arm across his chest, coming up to kiss him. She broke from his lips as he sat up to chase hers, desperate for them again. He lifted his head slightly as she nestled into his neck with his nose, then bit along it softly. The subtle floral scent of her perfume, washing over him. Laying there, his phone went off and he groaned.

“Oh stop it, it could be something important,” Lee whispered into his ear, running her hand along his chest.

“Doubtful. Very doubtful. I’m here with you so I’m not sure what else would qualify as important,” he replied back to her. He turned, lifting her head up by her chin, kissing her. He worked his way down her body, biting along her ribs and stomach, smiling as she giggled.

A Convenient Affair: Ch. 3 – A Helping Hand [M/38/F/44] [Affair][Con][Slow burn][Cheat]

*sorry for the long wait, this one is a little longer as I didn’t want to tease at the end for you guys anymore! As always, ay feedback and suggestions are welcome!*

Nicholas turned into the driveway at his house. He sighed as he saw Stacey was already there, knowing full well how those two would jump on Lee once Tina made it known where he’d be going. *Just like how you want to jump on Lee…*As the afternoon went on, the thoughts lingered and just grew stronger. He had debated taking care of himself before heading over, thinking it would be less trouble for him at dinner. But with Stacey and Tina in the house, he honestly didn’t want to spend any more time there than what he had to. He let out a sigh and turned the door handle to enter the house.

He entered the kitchen and heard the obnoxious cackling of Tina and Stacey. They quieted slightly as they heard him set the take out bags on the kitchen counter, getting everything together to take out to them. He proceeded to put everything together and took their dinner out to them. Tina took her plate from him, trying to be cute.

A Convenient Affair: Ch 2 – Nurturing Thoughts [M38/F44] [Cheat][Con][Affair][Solo]

*Chapter 2 is up! Again, open to suggestions and feedback. I promise I won’t keep the buildup going for much longer!*

Nicholas was at work, sitting at his desk when he heard the sound of his phone vibrating. He had looked down from his screen and saw it was his wife, Tina. He rolled his eyes and groaned a bit to himself. He never liked dealing with her as it was for the most part, but particularly not at work. Work was his safe haven. He wondered as he went to grab his phone if all married people were like this. Was it normal to just completely dread dealing with your spouse? He thought of all the older married men he’s encountered in life; “happy wife, happy life” they always said. Swiping up on the phone, he opened the messages.


*Hey hon, how’s it going?*

*Can you pick up the grocery order on the way home? I don’t feel like going out at all.*

*Nicholas sighed. When does she ever feel like doing anything he thought. He shook his head a little and began to answer back.*



A Convenient Affair: Ch. 1 – Planting the Seeds [M38/F44] [Cheat,Con]

*Testing out the waters here with this little opener, any feedback in greatly appreciated!*

The morning started as they usually do. Nicholas woke up, did his morning routine of fixing his brown hair that seemed to always have new strands of grey coming out of it, inspected himself in the mirror for a few and got ready for work. He made sure that everything was set for the day so that when his wife woke up, whenever she woke up, she could move about with ease. He was always out the door by 7:20, coffee in hand, heading towards his car. It was always on his way out that he’d see their neighbor a couple doors down, Lee. Lee was a woman just a tad older than him, early 40s but he only knew this since she told him. He would have guessed that she was early 30s at most. Nicholas generally didn’t ever have a type when it came to women, if he found them attractive then that’s all that mattered. If he did have a type, though, it would be Lee. She had a great figure, this long, brown hair and these dark eyes that he couldn’t help imagine from time to time peering up at him while she laid out in front of him. She always put the younger moms in the community to shame. His wife never really cared for her, probably because she was generally always nice and pretty positive. Her looks probably didn’t help much with jealousy from his and all the other wives.