Rite Of Fertility Part 2

Chapter 5

Their hands worked fast. You were chained within a moment. You instinctually went to struggle but by the time it could have happened, it was already over. Up until this point you could have ran away, your subconscious told you too many times, but you ignored it so you wouldn’t be rude. Everything is an option now. They have you trapped, and anything is conceivable at this moment. Your breathing narrows into short bursts. Your fear rises exponentially. You convince yourself that you’re going to die. Your heart starts to pump so hard that it feels like it’s going to pump through your chest.

Rite of Fertility Part 1

Chapter 1

You’re sitting on the couch reading. You hear your roommate getting ready. It’s been going on for what seems like forever. You have been smelling the faint perfume emanating from your shared bathroom in your little two room apartment. Even though you’ve been reading, you’re distracted by her. For the last few months you two have lived together, its random, but she will get really made up and do her hair, put on lots of perfumes, take a long bath. And then in the mornings she will get in looking all haggard, with her JBF hair, smelling like the woods, and be extremely tired, but very happy. And glowing. Does she just have a guy or is she just that good at finding them. And if so, what help can she provide to the lack of hard cock that has slowly manifested itself into your life. You’re ignoring what you’re reading in the book anyways and head to the kitchen to wait for her to come out and confront her to get any tips or to find something out.