The Fall Of May Part 3 – Broken (Non-Consensual, Blowjob, Painful Orgasm, Forces Orgasm)

CONTENT WARNING! This chapter is pretty messed up, so if you are uncomfortable with sensitive content such as rape, please do not read on.

(Part 1 and 2 on my profile)

Hours and hours of torment, May had sat tied to the chair for so long she could barely focus on anything other than the vibrator stuck inside her. After a while the pleasure had turned to pain, and May sat in fear of the next orgasm, knowing it was always right around he corner, she could smell her own juices, mixed with the smell of piss, after so long she had been unable to control herself. The hood over her head made it worse, she could see nothing, and since the warehouse was empty all she could hear was that taunting vibration.

The Fall Of May Part 2 – Deeper And Deeper (CNC, Gangbang, Blackmail, Forces Orgasms)


May had been lucky, a month had passed since her encounter with the stranger, and 2 pregnancy tests and a period later, she was luckily unbred. And yet, when she found out she wasn’t pregnant, a strange rush of emotions overcame her, for some reason she was almost disappointed, of course, she did not want a child, but the whole idea of carrying a stranger’s baby turned her on to no end, this was just the beginning of May’s insatiable lust, a path that would lead further and further into the darkest corners of sex.

It was an early Saturday morning when May received a message from an unknown number, it contained two things, a photo and an address, curiously May opened the picture, and what she saw shocked her, it was a photo of her, bent over the hood of a car, leaking cum, her face was visible too, she knew blackmail when she saw it, but she had no choice, she would have to go find out what this person wanted, and hopefully deal with this problem before it got worse.

The Fall of May (CNC, Public, Breeding)

It was a warm morning in the middle of June, the sun shone upon Daisy’s Diner, a quaint establishment where a beautiful young woman worked as a waitress, her name was May. May was a natural blonde, and had always viewed her appearance as average, she was not tall nor short,, her hair was long and fair, but nothing special, and she wore glasses, which she hated, at the ripe of twenty she felt inadequate to the beauty of her classmates, despite what her friends kept telling her. If only she knew her average life was about to become a whole lot more dark and depraved.

May left work at about 5pm, later than usual, but she needed the overtime, money was tight. As she walked home she started to notice how quiet the streets had become, this was not the safest area, but after living here all her life she barely considered the dangers of walking home alone. Suddenly a car slowly pulled up to her, at first she paid no heed to it, but when the man rolled down his window and called out, she had no choice but to see what he wanted.