Jen could be back any minute [MF]…

**Preface:** Long time lurker, first time poster! Truthfully, this story is an amalgamation of two events that happened between me and my ex of several years, who was my first real love. I refer to her largely in the second person in this story. I’ve embellished a few points for dramatic effect, but this is by and large all true. All names have been changed.

Me: 26 yo, 6’0″, decent muscular build, brown hair

Her: 24 yo, 5’6″, blonde hair, 32B (perfect handfuls), and an ass to die for :) Also on the pill.

Would love any feedback, as it’s been cathartic for me to write this. Anyway, enough of all that, onto sexy time! :


February in NYC. Having started your new job in high flying fashion, and having secured a new apartment for yourself with two interesting, fun new roommates, you’re looking forward to the next chapter! Your boxes are all finally packed in your old apartment; relieved, you let out an exhale and plop down on your bed. It’s been dark for a while now, and you’ve been busy packing all day. You had a little help, though.