I let my guy friend fuck me after i made him hard infront of our entire friend group …. [FM]

This may be a long confession but i’ll make at as short as i can. I’ve known Mark (fake name) since we were little and we’ve always been platonic, he’s more of the shy guy and is often quite, until one day at a college party …..

My parents were out of town so i invited my friends to have a small party, it started off with swimming and i put on my sluttiest swimsuit, knowing my parents weren’t home. I noticed Mark was staring a lot , i don’t know if he knew i caught him or or not but he wasn’t being subtle about it lol. Then one of the girls shouted **”Chicken fight!”** i immediately called ‘**’Mark”** because i wanted to see how far i can tease him that night, he picked me up on his shoulders and my swimsuit is so thin that i made him feel my pussy through the back of his neck. We went three rounds and we lost twice lol.

took the virginity of my autistic guy friend ….. [FM]

I’ve been friends with him for many years ago, a couple of months ago, on his 20th birthday, I took his virginity and here’s how ….

Just a few days before his birthday, he opened up to me saying that he’s now approaching 20 and the fact that he’s still a virgin makes him feel sad or like he’s behind, he rarely opens up to anyone but that day he did with me

On his birthday, all of our friends surprised him with a party but we kept it very small and low-key because the loudness can cause him some anxiety. It was a fun night and he enjoyed himself. As everyone was leaving, I whispered to him to stay with me for his birthday present because I still haven’t given him one, the party was at my place. He stayed and I took him to my room, I told him about what I want to do and he looked really happy, we started with kissing and then slowly unclothed each other. He was a bit nervous but I helped him relax and told him to let me know if he ever feels overwhelmed.

My nerdy shy guy friend had the biggest cock i’ve ever seen ….. [FM]

He’s very shy and rarely talks. One day, on a night out with my friends, he got a little drunk for the first time ever and was very talkative lol. He actually told me in private that he’s never had a BJ in his life that night, which gave an idea for his birthday which was just two weeks after……

We (me and my friends) threw a party for him and he really liked it, and everyone got him presents. I waited until he was alone and went up to him and gave him a coupon redeemable for only one time , for a blowjob. When i told him that, he looked really shocked and i thought i may have gone too far but he hugged me immediately so he liked it lol.

Two days later, he messaged me saying he wants to redeem it, i told him i can come to his place because he lives really close to my gym, only minutes away. I finished my workout and went to him, he was a bit nervous at first, I told him it’s absolutely fine since it’s his first time and he asked me how i know that … apparently he was so drunk he can’t remember what he said on our night out lol.

Invited my guy friend who got bullied to a sleepover and gave him a BJ [FM]

Last month of HS, we (the girls) decided to do a sleepover because we haven’t had one in a while and exams are soon, we agreed that it’s only girls. Just one day after we agreed on that, i was with one of my friends (he’s more of the nerdy guy) at lunch break and long story short, he got bullied and i felt bad for him. I told him about our sleepover and invited him, i thought it may cheer him up. It took me so long to convince him to come since he wanted to study lol, but finally he agreed

I texted the girls that i invited him and they were ok with it. Two days later we all meet up at one of the girls and it was such an amazing night. We had pizza and drinks, watched movies …etc the girl’s parents weren’t there i won’t go into much detail but it was hella fun. Anyways, it was time for bed at like 4 am lol, i couldn’t sleep and went to the kitchen to grap something to drink. There i find him standing and it creeped me out a little, he said that he also couldn’t sleep. We chatted for a bit and he brought the topic of bullying and thanked me for what i did, right then, i got another idea. I tied up my hair and asked him if he’s ok with what i’m about to do, he said yes and i got on my kness

Took my guy friend’s virginity on his birthday [FM]

A couple of weeks ago, it was one of my friend’s birthday (19th) and he threw a small party that i was invited to, but we’re not very close. The party was really nice and i got to know him better, the party was mostly guys tho.

At some point, i found him sitting alone so i joined him and started chatting, he didn’t look very happy considering the occasion so i asked him if there’s something wrong and he opened up to me saying that there was this girl who he really thought they would be together but sadly she ended up just using him and it’s a long story, he ended it by saying that he’s a virgin. I immediately had an idea and told him to meet me tomorrow at my apartment (we both live in the same dorm, just 2 floors apart) he asked why and i said i’ll sleep with him and got up and left which left him a bit shocked lol

the neighbor’s son paid me so that he can touch my tits [FM]

Recently a new family moved in next door to my family’s place, i first met them just days ago. My dad told me that they were very religious and sheltered, and that explained why their dad and son (18M) didn’t even looked at me much when i went to say hi.

Two days ago, we invited them for dinner. It was a nice night and i got to know the son more, he’s more of the quiet shy kind of guy and when we were talking,he was looking everywhere but at me, i asked him why and he said i’m the hottest girl he’s seen and that he’s never seen a girl in pj’s like that, my short was very short that you would think i’m just wearing an oversized shirt if you looked at me. That gave me an idea, i sneaked him out of the living room and went up to my room closed the door and then took off my top, this time he was staring like he’s seen a ghost. He was stuttering trying to speak but i interrupted him saying ”jeez you don’t know where to look, do you sweetie?” and giggled.

Sucked off my guy friend on a road trip [FM]

A couple of months ago, me and my friends went on a road trip. We were 7 (4 guys and three girls) , the car ofc didn’t fit us all so me and one of my friends (I’ll call him J) were on the trunk, the car is a Jeep so you can the trunk had a lot of space.

Midway through the road trip, i looked up and everyone was asleep, besides the driver ofc. Me and J were talking and we were both covered in one blanket, at some point, i pulled the blanket to adjust it and i saw his bulge, he was hard. He tried to hide it but since we have an open friendship i teased him whispering ”why do you always have to get hard around me sweetie?”

he tried to deny it but i was tying up my hair and i think he knew what i’m about to do and he looked really happy, I blew him for two minutes while our friends were only inches away from us, so we were very quiet. He moaned a bit when he came and he came so much, i cleaned up his cock as the driver asked what was going on … we told him that i just kicked J as a joke, This was our inside joke the whole trip lol

Sucked off my fat guy friend after he was bullied [FM]

I’m very good friends with him and sadly he gets bullied a lot because of his weight. One day my dad was out of town so i invited all of my friends to have a small party. The night was going really well, we played games, had snacks …etc until the guys decided to start making jokes about him and laughing at him, this time i got really pissed off and told them off until they stopped. But unfortunately i could still see him affected by it, so i got an idea

While everyone was leaving, i whispered to his ears ”hey, make up an excuse so you can stay with me …. i have something for you …” he did and after everyone left, i took him to my room , closed the door, tied up my hair and blew him for a good two or three minutes until he came. He got kinda emotional afterwards and cried in my arms but we had a very good talk, he’s been hitting the gym ever since :)

I’m thinking about giving him a bj after every milestone he reaches … like for example losing a certain amount of weight …etc but idk lol , kinda need reddit’s advice on that one :)

Gave head to the neighbor’s son on Christmas eve [FM]

For Christmas eve, i went back home from the college dorm and celebrated it with my family, It was a nice day and everything and our neighbors were having a big family gathering, i went to say hi and their son (19M) , who i’ll call M, opened the door and we chatted a bit before i went inside and shortly after i was leaving. M walked me out and when we got to the door , he gave me a gift , a very beautiful necklace that says ”D” which is my initial letter, i loved it and gave him a big hug. I got him a PSN gift card because i know he plays a lot of Playstation, but i felt a little bad since his gift was much better lol.