[MF] Graduation day hijinks

Starting off college in a musician’s fraternity presented a couple of unusual opportunities, especially at a party university.

I could talk about my friend who, at the absolute worst possible moment, was surrounded by his brothers and locked into the drinking song circle, in which you must finish the beverage in hand. (He’d just picked up on unopened 5th of vodka, and chugged the whole damn thing, screaming for his girlfriend in Spanish, which until that night, he was not fluent in.)

But my personal best came on graduation day, in which the underclassmen were asked to provide music for.

The ceremony was so large that it was held in a nearby convention center. There were several charter buses from campus for the musicians, and school busses for oversized equipment, large instruments, and the like.

After catching up with friends, I was running late, and didn’t have a ride back to campus. Fortunately, the last school bus remained, and I jumped on with another young lady who I was acquainted with. Just the two of us, and the driver.

The May afternoon was unbearably hot and humid, and dark clouds and lightning were moving in from the west in an unbroken tidal wave across the sky.

[MF] The perks of being an office wallflower.

I was 19, working as the lowest rung on the ladder of a little computer shop. The owners went out on a business meeting, the senior techs were out on deliveries and I was left to restock and inventory the parts. It was summertime, but the day was gray and rainy.

There was one other person left in the office, the receptionist. I’d gone to high school with her, but in the 5 years since I met her, she’d gone from a short, kinda dumpy kid playing softball into a busty hotty. She spoke constantly about her boyfriend, so I resigned myself to move on.

She was wearing a short sleeveless sundress, nude hose, and 3″ heels. I made a mental movie, and went on with my job.

At lunch, she closed the front office, and came back to deliver mail and the packages that had arrived. She needed to place several printer parts up on a high shelf above the other parts bench. I asked her if she wanted me to do it, as I’m 6’2″, and could reach it without a second thought. However she declined, and walked over, stretching and bending over the desk, so that her dress lifted to expose her gorgeous ass, sans panties beneath her hose.