My Best Friend Jenny [M/F]

Jenny plopped down on the couch beside me and put her beer down on the table. In a well practiced move she handed me my beer while I handed a controller back to her.

“What’s next?” she asked and took a sip from her beer.

I though for a second and said, “Street Fighter? Or Gears maybe?”

“Gears sounds good to me,” was her answer and she put down her beer.

Jenny was short for Jennifer and she had been my closest friend since the first year of high school. We had both been outcasts back then and found each other one day walking home from school. She had been walking in my direction and struck up conversation with me. I was not used to anyone, much less a girl, just randomly talking with me.

We quickly found that it was much easier talking to each other than anyone we knew of our own gender and we rarely spent a day apart after that. Our mothers spent a long time thinking we would be sure to marry each other one day, but they just didn’t understand the kind of friendship we had.