[MF] Cousin’s wedding night.

A couple weeks ago, I took a trip abroad for my cousin’s wedding. Overall, it was a pretty great time, but something happened that night that, honestly, I’m still trying to process.

This story isn’t about her, though. She and her new husband I’m sure had a fantastic night of their own. This is about her younger sister, Anna. I’ve known Anna and her sister since we were kids. I live on the opposite coast and in a different country, so we never saw each other much. When we were kids, we’d see them mostly during the summer on family trips. As we got older, we lost touch with them, for no particular reason other than life.

While I’m the same age as Anna’s sister at 27, She’s a bit younger, at 20. We reconnected on instagram a few years ago when she went off to college. Anna and her sister are both really attractive french canadians. I never really had any sexual feelings towards them, but could objectively see how gorgeous they were.