[M](23)y Ex Girlfriend [F](25) wrote me this incredible story years ago about our fantastic sex life. We were inspired by this group so thought I’d finally share it. (Anal)

She added a dreamlike intro so if you’re impatient, skip the first few paragraphs.

You are wending your way through the trees, looking for something, but you cant quite
remember what you are trying to find. You know that stopping your search would be futile,
because its obvious that the only way out of this winter chill, this endless winter pine forest, is
to keep searching for…what? You can feel a growing sense of desperation fill your body;
frustration coursing through your veins as you try to grasp a seemingly familiar, tantalizingly
close thought that slips like sand through a sieve. The harder you try to recall what you are
searching for-images, details, memories-the faster it all slips away.

In silent resolution you choose to continue your search through the evergreen forest, pine
needles stifling the sound of each of your steps as you quicken your pace, your rapid
exhalations hanging in a small, clinging cloud in front of your face. Your legs become a blur as
you break into a fitful run, desperate to leave your turbulent mind, your unquenched thoughts,
and your desire to fulfill your quest behind.
Soft pine leaves gently sting your face in reassurance as you race through the trees. The feeling
is exhilarating, the rush clearing your mind and you are vaguely aware that instead of the
endless green expanse, a blur you are accustomed to, the soft blue green hue of a lake is
looming in your distant path.