Nothing – Revised (porn theater, M+/F, glory hole, degradation, objectification)

She grunts as she grinds back and forth, another strange cock pumping into her, another man waiting to spill his seed in her. Are they safe? Are they going to give her another STD? Something minor or something serious this time? She doesn’t know. She never knows. She struggles to remember if this is the 4th or 5th man tonight and even that escapes her. Her arms ache as they press tight against the wall of the booth in front of her. The sound of fucking, both her own and porn stars on the cheap screen beside her fills the air. The smells of stale sweat and cum permeate her pores as she wonders which is more pathetic, her or this place?

And yet, she steals a sideways glance at him, frowning, desperate for his approval. He sits there watching her debase herself. Will tonight be the night he smiles and gives her that needed love and approval? She knows he won’t. Deep down she knows he never will. But she walls that part off in denial. Maybe tonight will be the night he finally loves her.

The Christmas Present – Revised (M+/F, bound, toys, insertion, impact play, consensual abuse, rough, oral)

Her head hung limply as her nose dripped red and swollen, like a good holiday reindeer. She was exhausted, strung up in a swing and swivel that allowed easy access to any part of her body. Her arms were tightly tied behind her back, in garland and strands of Christmas lights, numb. Her tits were bound as well, swollen and reddish-purple. She drooled around the gag in her mouth, long strands of saliva trailing to the floor, making one of the two puddles under her. The other reeked of stale cum and piss, from her and others.

Her mouth wasn’t the only thing full, though a dildo gag filled her throat. Eighteen inches of slink weaved its way through her bowels, her guts stretched beyond all reasonable limits. A thick vibrator plugged her cunt with more strands and garland holding it inside her. The batteries inside it had died hours ago, long after any strength had left her body. Now she just hung, like the stockings but without care, an early Christmas present already broken.

She deserved it – Revised (rape, gang rape, rape bait, consensual abuse)

She didn’t know what was wrong with her. Why those thoughts assaulted her, day in, day out, never ceasing. She was broken, she knew that. Damaged goods, a ruined cunt of a woman, a mockery made flesh. At least that was how she felt most days. There were brief periods of normality, where that lie could be lived, if only for a moment that she would try to stretch to eternity. Only it would always come crashing down around her. The truth was that either awake or asleep, her mind told her one thing and one thing only. She deserved it.

She had deserved it when she was younger. When her first serious boyfriend had refused to accept the word no. It is a terrifying world that we live in, where one can simply disregard societal norms, take a declaration to stop, and ignore it. And he had. He needed her too much, he told her later, as she lay balled up beside him. That he loved her so much it made him crazy. That when she’d told him no, she was tired, it had felt like a rejection of his manhood and he’d lost control. He had kissed her forehead and stroked her hair as she cried, bloody cum leaking out of her ass. She understood what his words meant. He was apologizing but his words were clear. It was her fault it happened.

Happy – Revised (Online play, camming, grooming, manipulation, edging, free use, dehumanization)

It was a game at first. She was never going to fuck any of those men online, just tease them. It was empowering, how horny they got, how desperate they were for her. She had never felt so alive.

Some of them were assholes who called her names but she found she even liked that. When they told her to dress like a little girl, even that left her wet, if very ashamed. And through it all, she couldn’t stop touching herself.

It was an addiction. Of sex, attention, and even control. At first, that mattered the most, but it was quickly lost as she cared less about how the men treated her and just that they wanted her. She slowly escalated, performing on command, slapping her tits for them, sucking her thumb, or calling them Daddy. And things like college started to matter less and less to her. Those moments felt dull, gray, and colorless. Every moment her roommate was gone, her laptop would be open and she would be performing.

Picked up – Revised (prostitution, pregnant, masturbation, slapped, forced anal, oral, choking, piss drinking)

She chewed her bottom lip, cherry red, as the stranger rubbed her swollen belly. He stared intensely at her chest and below, not caring for anything above her shoulders. Her crop top covered none of her belly and barely contained the top 75% of her chest, which had grown almost as much as her stomach. She smiled at him, her look as vapid and empty as she needed to feel. The stranger spat some tobacco on the bar floor, looking at her tits as he talked.

“Do you even know who the daddy is?” he asked rudely. She started to answer until the glare in his eye told her to stay quiet. “Nah, dumb cunts like you never know, do you?” She shrugged, which bought her a slap to the face. Not hard, but it got her attention.

“I asked you a question, you stupid bitch,” he said. She rubbed her cheek and lied, telling him she didn’t know. That made him smile as he rubbed her thigh at the bar, sliding his hand up her leg. When she put her knees together, his dirty nails dug into her soft skin until she parted them. He didn’t care if people watched or saw, not that anyone was really watching them. It was late and most were drunk or just didn’t care.

So you want to know why I’m like this? – Revised (slave, Dom/sub, choke, impact play, anal, CNC, black eye, free use, rape)

“So, you want to know why I do it, why I’m like this?” she asked, taking a deep drag and exhaling the smoke slowly through her nose. “I don’t know, honestly. Not fully. I mean, stuff happened early on. And later? I felt like I made it through all that. I stayed sane, true to myself, and pushed forward. I finished High School. A rarity in my family. Then after leaving them all behind, traveling halfway across the country to leave it in the past, I started college. All on my own.” She took another deep drag and then fidgeted with her fingers, looking down.

“I even finished college. Got a good entry-level job. People would have called me a fucking success story. Small town girl makes it big. And by that standard, I guess I did. I was going places, a shooting star, going up, up, up. And then… life changed.” She stubbed out the cigarette and got another, offering the reporter one. He shook his head and she shrugged before lighting up. The smoke curled in the small changing room.

The bus – Revised (groped, reluctant, non-consensual, masturbation, violent sex, anal)

If you asked her the first time a man had touched her on the bus, riding around the city, she wouldn’t have been able to tell you. The first touches had been so long ago, perhaps on a city bus, perhaps on one painted yellow. She wasn’t sure. She just knew it was a constant. She always pretended to hate it and perhaps even did in the beginning. Strange peers and men, all taking without asking, touching without permission. She wasn’t even that pretty, not really. Not ugly by any means, not a butter-face as some might say. Just plain, unassuming, wearing little if any makeup and no clothing begging for attention to be drawn to her.

She didn’t even really date or go out. She kept to herself and as she moved into her small apartment, the only other thing in her life was her cat to keep her company as she watched TV or slept. Other than that, the only other constant in her life was her work. A boring job at a boring department store that took a boring 45-minute bus ride to arrive and often closer to an hour to get back from. She was gray personified in a world of color, a shadow, just background noise that no one noticed or cared about.