[MF] How I met Alice. (First fucks and Anal)

Hey guys, it looks you appreciated my story . I decided to tell you how I met and the first time having sex with Alice.

First time I met Alice I was 18 and she was 19, we were in Engineering School, fresh out of high school. In France many colleges and schools have what we call a 'BDE' which is an organisation of students who creates events (parties, trips, whatever where you can drink and party). During the first days of college you have the 'Integration', the goal of that period is to get to know each other and is also a good excuse to drink too much.

So we were leaving the city for a weekend to go camping in a small camp in the wood. Older students prepared games, we were in teams and after putting up our tents we did the games. My team was composed of two guys I already knew and two girls, first one was Alice and the other was a pretty girl, very nice but not single. I immediatly hit off with Alice. We spent a great part of the weekend together, talking. She told me about her ex, always using the word "she". I assumed she was a lesbian.

First post ever [FMM] (first time doing stuff with a guy)

Hey guys, my name's Damien, I'm 24 years old and I live in Amsterdam for work but I was born and raised in France. I saw a french guy posting yesterday so I decided to subscribe and tell you what happened to me a few years ago.

I studied engineering in France and I've always good friends at school. We used to party a lot and some of us used to end night together. That's the way I met Alice. A 20 years old, petite brunette, really friendly and she's the most open-minded girl I've ever seen. We slept a couple time together but both of us knew this wouldn't lead to a relationship. Moreover, she was bisexual and wanted to date girls.