In and out

2:34 PM , Lucy was having a good sleep until a phone call disturbed her. It was her husband , who was away from home for the past three days. He told her that he is arriving in about 30 minutes, so better prepare something nice to eat. Lucy had to get up from her comfy bed and make something appetizing, for her husband was coming home, drunk. Yes, he was drunk. She could detect it from the way he talked on the call.

She was wearing a light blue colored t-shirt and a pink pyjama, which was a bit tight in the thighs as she had gained weight in past couple months. She cooked vegetable rice, boiled some corn and took out yogurt from the refrigerator . She was just about to sit when she heard the doorbell. It must be her husband. She opened the door and there he was, standing tall, wearing a white shirt , tucked inside beige colored jeans, Laptop bag in right hand, with his intoxicated eyes. They kissed each other. Lucy gave him a nice stare as he had promised her that he would stay clean this month for his medical reports were not very good.Anyways , while she was staring her right ear ring fell on the floor and Lucy bent down to pick it up. Her husband, Max looked down and woah, his eyes caught Lucy’s boobs which were exposed by the naughty act of her lose t-shirt and of course gravity.