How I[30M] wound up fucking my lesbian best friend [26F] [MF]

TLDR Scroll to the divider if you just want to get to the good stuff

Madison Adams was my best friend.

Not in a secretly-in-love sense. Not in an unresolved-sexual-tension sense. Truly, Maddy and I were friends.

We genuinely enjoyed each other’s company- from speaking only in movie quotes to enjoying insult contests just a bit too much – it was hard to find someone as willing to indulge in our particular brand of stupidity as much as we did. Our friends observing often said they couldn’t figure out if we hated each other or we were actually madly in love.

Which would’ve been reasonable to expect, except for one small detail – Madison Adams was gay.

Over the years we’d become each other’s greatest confidants as girlfriends on both sides came and went. We agonised over unanswered texts from crushes together, commiserated over how women could be so fucking complicated, and picked each other up after particularly nasty breakups.

This is the story of how we ended up fucking each others’ brains out in a beautiful riverside cabin in upstate New York.