Johnny’s Smith Life with his Two Bisexual Girlfriends – Chapter 5 – I love you Kat (Action/Slice of Life/Erotica)

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Day 4 Part 2

I love you Kat

Louisville Colorado

22 October 2013

” What is it?” replied Johnny, worried.

“A customer at the restaurant groped her ass.” Said Kat.

“What?!” exclaimed Johnny.

Kat explained what had occurred. How the man grabbed her butt while asking for food. And then forced himself upon her when she turned around to get something for him. Telling her to come closer and touch her inappropriately.

Kat said. “When she tried to push him off her, he hit her across the face and called her a whore. A real nasty name too. He also threatened to tell everyone that she’s been fooling around. So she ran outside crying. But no one could see where she went because all the windows are closed.”

“Oh god,” sighed Johnny. “Is she hurt?”

She paused. “…And after that, he ran out without paying anything.”

Kat cried over the phone. “Hannah has a broken nose and black eyes. They took her to hospital where doctors examined her. There are bruises all over her body too. But nobody wants to press charges because that customer is an important guy.”

Life of Johnny Smith (Slice of Life/Action/Erotica Novel) – Chapter 7

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Day 5 Part 2

Deal with Eric Greg

Denver Colorado

23 October 2013

Johnny stood up, facing Eric Greg. He could smell alcohol on his breath. Smelled sickly sweet. Glaring down at the older man. His eyes burning holes into the man’s skull. Holding eye contact defiantly.

Eric seemed taken aback by Johnny’s attitude. Taking a step backwards. As he tried to pull himself together.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Eric surprised to see him.

“I’ve come to ask you to release me from my contract.” Replied Johnny.

“In Bill’s office?” Asked Eric, suspicious.

“Yes.” replied Johnny.

“Why? You don’t trust him anymore do you?” asked Eric looking around nervously.

“No, not really.” admitted Johnny.

“Well, what makes you think I’ll listen to you now?”

“Because I know about everything that goes on behind closed doors.” answered Johnny.

“And what exactly does that mean?” questioned Eric.

“You pay off cops to look the other way while your employees commit serious offenses,” explained Johnny.

” I don’t know what you’re talking about.” replied Eric.

Life of Johnny Smith (Slice of Life/Action/Erotica Novel) – Chapter 7

You can read the rest of the story here:

Day 5 Part 2

Deal with Eric Greg

Denver Colorado

23 October 2013

Johnny stood up, facing Eric Greg. He could smell alcohol on his breath. Smelled sickly sweet. Glaring down at the older man. His eyes burning holes into the man’s skull. Holding eye contact defiantly.

Eric seemed taken aback by Johnny’s attitude. Taking a step backwards. As he tried to pull himself together.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Eric surprised to see him.

“I’ve come to ask you to release me from my contract.” Replied Johnny.

“In Bill’s office?” Asked Eric, suspicious.

“Yes.” replied Johnny.

“Why? You don’t trust him anymore do you?” asked Eric looking around nervously.

“No, not really.” admitted Johnny.

“Well, what makes you think I’ll listen to you now?”

“Because I know about everything that goes on behind closed doors.” answered Johnny.

“And what exactly does that mean?” questioned Eric.

“You pay off cops to look the other way while your employees commit serious offenses,” explained Johnny.

” I don’t know what you’re talking about.” replied Eric.

Categorized as Erotica

Life of Johnny Smith – Day 2 – Margo’s right (Slice of Life/Mystery Erotica)

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Day 2 – Margo’s right

Louisville Colorado,

21 october 2013

He called his friend Margo. After some small talk, he finally broached the subject. “Margo, I need your help.”

” What is it?” replied Margo. “I’m kind of busy right now.”

“This won’t take very long,” he assured her. “And it will be worth your while.”

There was silence on the line for several seconds.

“Okay,” she relented. “What did you want to ask me?”

“Well, there are these two women—”

“Wait! Three? You’re not going to try anything stupid, are you?”

“I’ve just met them and they are the most gorgeous girls, I’ve ever seen.”

“Yeah, yeah, okay. So what happened?”

“We ended up in a place where we could drink and dance. We danced together and talked for hours. One thing led to another and pretty soon we were naked.”

“We fucked over the table and it was the best sex in my life”

“So it’s about your agent right?”

“Yeah he doesn’t want me to fool around to keep a good Christian image.” said Johnny.

Life of Johnny Smith – Day 1- Louiseville’s Gorgeous Girls (Slice of Life, Erotica)

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Day 1 – Louiseville’s Gorgeous Girls

Louisville Colorado, 20 October 2013

His name was Johnny, he had auburn hair, blue eyes and always wore a light blue jean jacket and jeans. He was the most handsome man, I’ve ever seen. His face is so perfect it’s hard to believe that someone like him would have so much difficulty earning a billion dollars, which was his dream.

He was a young singer who had been singing for years without success until he discovered the magic of words that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. He sang at parties and weddings, concerts, and private affairs, and when it came time to pay his rent, he did what all good singers do: he went on tour. In fact, he had already signed up for several months’ worth of gigs before he realized that he couldn’t remember where or when any of them were supposed to take place.