Sexually Transmitted Expansion Chapter 10 – Procrasturbation [F22/F18][Expansion, Lactation, Suckling, Clothes Tearing, Public]

Tuesday, October 19

She drove home to get her breast pump so she could drain herself in between the four classes she had that day. She knew it would be a test of willpower to focus, as Wednesdays were typically her hardest days. Unfortunately, sexual encounters with both Kim and Derek were fresh on her mind. It was warm today, but she was really looking for something that wouldn’t be so obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra, so she threw on a somewhat thin marigold-colored sweater and black leggings, stuffing paper towels in her purse for when she inevitably sprung a leak. She would shop for bigger bras afterwards. It was time to get back on track with her classes, and she was prepared.

She had a sudden realization when opened her chatroom app and remembered her post she’d made last week, the night before the ill-fated psychology test. She saw several mentions as well as dozens of reactions, responses, and friend requests. Her loins felt hot once more as she read through the responses to her laying on her back, filled and covered with cum.

“Oh shit”

“is that you”


Sexually Transmitted Expansion Chapter 9 – One Makes You Bigger [F22/F22][Fetish, Expansion, Lactation]

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*Wednesday, October 20*

“Is this Charlotte?”

“This is… Char… yeah. Me.” Charlotte had just finished masturbating 15 seconds or so to the memories of the previous night, before her phone began to ring.

“This is Doctor Cronin.” She didn’t recognize the name. This wasn’t the grumpy man that talked over her the previous day. “I’m from St. Rose Hospital. We processed your blood panel. Do you have a moment to talk about your test results?”

“Yeah, is everything okay?” Her heart raced as picked her hairbrush up and moved into the bathroom, putting the phone on speaker.

“So, the pregnancy test came back negative.”

“Good. But why do I feel like there’s more?” She asked, popping a birth control pill into her mouth

“We’d like to have you in for more tests and questions sometime tomorrow for a couple hours. We noticed some interesting hormone levels that we would like to run more specific diagnostics on. We’d like for you to come in tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow? That might not work so well. I have –”

Sexually Transmitted Expansion is finally releasing on Literotica! Expansion, lactation, cumflation, and most importantly, good characters and realism. [22F/22F/26M]

It would mean the world to me if you’d check it out and vote. The chapters are being approved once per day — starting with the lore page:


There are cumflation scenes, lots of lactation, bisexual romance, permanent expansion, and the sexual ascent of our main character is a major theme. Please rate/comment!

Continue from here on Deviantart until more are published!


The story is very much a slow burn, and the payoffs are definitely worth it.