[f]reshman year

It was only my third weekend of college. My roommate had a boyfriend so she wasn’t in the room very much, and so far, I hadn’t found much to do over the weekend. I never wanted to join a sorority cause the girls were too fake for me, but I was also having trouble finding people to chill with. Anyway, as always, I poured myself a vodka sprite and just lay on my bed while listening to music. Then I got a text. I had met a guy on the soccer team a few days ago and he seemed pretty nice and cute. His name is Eric and he asked for my number after class one day. I thought it was pretty bold but hey, I was in college and trying to meet people. He asked if I was doing anything tonight and I said I didn’t really have plans yet. He was pretty forward and immediately asked me if I wanted to drink. I was a little hesitant at first, but I thought fuck it, I had nothing else to do. 

finally fucking [m]y [f]riend after 3 years

I met this girl Emily in summer chem during the summer of 2015. I immediately found her attractive and we vibed well and quickly became friends. We had similar music tastes, were both psych majors, both into weed culture and just overall homie material. We were both pretty shy, so we never really made a move to bring it past a friendship. Part of that was also that we were both seeing different people at different times throughout the years to come so the timing was never perfect.

Time went by, we saw each other maybe once a month and went to the occasional concert together. We were always super friendly with each other but neither of us ever made a move. I could never tell if she just wanted to be friends or actually wanted anything more. Flash forward to last summer. We were talking more and more and eventually our conversation became dirty. We started talking about sex, the porn we liked to watch, different positions, started talking about what we would do to each other. It was super hot and I had never opened up sexually to anyone as much as I had her. I told her all my darkest fantasies and we often shared pictures back and forth. We’d text late into the night and share porn with each other. I asked her if she’d ever had her ass eaten and she said no and god all I wanted was to eat her ass out and see her face/listen to her moan. It didn’t become more than that for a while though, I was still seeing someone, which complicated matters, and so while we talked about fucking each other, it didnt happen.