(M)y de(f)erred fantasy; hooking up four years later

I’m a senior in college and it’s 2009. Sadly, at this point in my life, still a virgin. This is something I held close to my chest for obvious reasons. You’re probably envisioning a pimply geek at this point, but this is also why I kept this so secret – it was a complete contrast to the way I looked and acted.

I was a wrestler throughout college, so I was extremely fit. I’m 6’1, was about 200 pounds at this point and pretty much solid muscle. I was “hot,” but painfully shy and introverted. I didn’t know I was “hot” yet. Even talking to women in class would make me nervous beyond belief. Most people I knew just assumed I crushed pussy, but I was completely futile in pursuing women. Beyond some kissing, my sole sexual experience was eating a girl out earlier that year – that was it.