Park Meetup (blowjob, piv, pregnancy, rough)

The sun was beginning to set, but the late spring air was still warm. I made my way across the grassy field at the city park. Liam had instructed me to meet him near the picnic area by the river. The park was nearly abandoned, it was a weekday and everyone seemed to have gone home. A couple still strolled the path on the far side, but they headed in the opposite direction of my destination. Soon I made my way down the path, through a thick grove of trees that blocked any wandering eyes that could look my way.

I could make out the massive shadow of Liam down the path. He was standing near an empty picnic table and facing away from me. Casually he tossed a stone into the nearby river.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” he stated without turning around. His voice low, almost frustrated. I could already feel the warm wetness pooling in my panties.

“Sorry, I had to wait for my husband to leave,” I explained as I stood next to him.

Visiting Coworker (cheating, blowjob, PIV)

I could hear Liam laughing in the other room with my husband. I tried to focus my attention on washing up the dishes, but I was already wet from dinner. My pussy was practically pulsing from the tension. Liam had played it cool, as always, but I could see the hunger in his eyes during dinner. He had fucked me long and hard during lunch the previous day and somehow my husband was still completely oblivious. Maybe because he liked Liam. Or maybe he just trusted me a little too much. Regardless, it still made me hot and bothered watching my husband converse with my sideman so casually.

Having finished up the dished I made my way to the living room. The boys had just finished a round on some video game I didn’t care to know the name of.

“Hey,” my husband got up from the couch. “I’m supposed to play online with the guys tonight, are you alright just hanging out alone?”

I stifled a laugh, forcing a look of frustration on my face, “we have a guest. You said you were free tonight.”

“I know,” he stammered back, “but there’s a tournament coming up and we wanted to enter…”

Office Job [pregnancy/anal]

The work day was coming to a close. Since it was Friday before a long weekend most of the office had decided to leave early, so it was completely deserted. My eyes strained staring at my computer screen in my cubical. I was starting to think it was time to leave as well.

My stomach growled and I felt a bump from the little one growing inside me. ‘Seems like we’re both hungry,’ I muttered to myself. I rubbed my growing belly before gathering my things to leave.

Standing up I looked over the edge of the cubical wall. I spied Mr. Jacobs sitting at his desk in his office. He always worked late. Having built this company up from nothing it sort of came with the job. He was older, his hair already showing the grey of his age, but he was fit and tall. Always, large and in charge.

I could feel my pussy already starting to get wet just spying on him from here. I’d found him attractive from the moment he interviewed me, but being pregnant had thrown my hormones through a loop. I a had already spent a majority of the day imagining his cock in my mouth, the taste of his cum on tongue. Im sure he would fuck me harder than my husband. I was starting to soak through my panties…

Shift End

It was the end of another long night. The end of another chaotic shift that reminded me I needed to quit. I was tired of the long exhausting shifts and the crap pay. Sometimes I wondered why I kept putting up with it.

“We’re ready to get checked out,” came a low steady voice from the doorway. Turning in my chair to look at him I was suddenly reminded why I stuck around.

Liam looked down at me from the doorway. He was always looking down at me. At six and a half feet tall he was over a foot taller than me, and he weighed nearly three times as much as I do. I always felt small in all the right ways beside him.

“Um, yeah I’m on it,” I assure him. As the manager it was my job to lock up behind Liam and the others. I grabbed my keys and followed him up to the doors. Trying to ignore the warmth that was quickly spreading between my legs. I may have been his boss, but I couldn’t help but be turned on by him. My thoughts drifted to wondering how big his cok was and how it would feel in my throat.