[STR8][MMf][Inc][nc] Surviving the Home Invasion

“That’s the pizza” I said, getting off the couch. My 19 year old daughter Katie was home for the weekend, a few days off from college. The house was pretty empty since my wife split and it was great having my daughter home. We threw on some movies, grabbed a blanket and cuddled up like we used to.

Opening the door I was shocked to see a man holding a gun. “Quiet, inside!” He barked. “I’ve got some cash, a few watches upstairs….” he jammed the gun hard into my ribs, forcing my silence. Katie let out a shriek when she saw him. “It’s OK, baby. It’ll be fine…” I tried to reassure her but my mind was racing.

“Sit!” He barked at me, forcing me back onto the couch. “Come ‘ere sweetie” he leered at Katie. She hesitated, which only made him mad. “Don’t. Make. Me. Mad” …

She obeyed, glancing at me as she walked over. I could see the fear in her eyes. “Nice piece of ass, daddy!” He said with a sadistic grin. “Tell me daddy, have you ever stroked your cock to her? Ever pull up those family pictures of her on the beach and give a little tug?” He was laughing. I lowered my head, beet red at the shame. “ANSWER!” he barked. I nodded my head, “y-yes..” I stammered.

The Field Exercise – Part 3 [M+F][nc][bondage][watersports]

Soon she was surrounded by the last, large group. Trucks moved in place, their headlights aimed at her in a perverse spotlight. She was the center of their depraved show. They kicked at her legs, forcing her to spread wider. They laughed, mocking her. She wanted to die. The air was cool with the setting sun and she shivered in the breeze. They didn’t care. Two of them came close, one behind and one in front. Her eyes went wide. Being mounted on the truck was bad enough. Now she faced the reality of taking multiple soldiers at once. They began raping her again, this time in tandem as one fucked her throat and the other fucked her cunt.

They hadn’t showered in over a week and her nose wrinkled at the smell of stale BO as he yanked on her hair and ordered her to open her mouth. She obeyed, her eyes dead as she stared vacantly and tried to escape in her mind. Her head danced with the morphine, she was fairly numb. He pressed his cock against her lips. She could taste the salt of his sweat and dried piss. She gagged, retching at the foul taste. He pulled away and viciously backhanded her. She was stunned by the violence. He spat at her, “Puke on my cock and I swear we’ll rape your ass with the rifles.” It was a particularly evil image that sent chills down her spine. She opened again and willed herself to take it. They found a rhythm, she was just a toy to them at this point as she was spit roasted for the first time.

The Field Exercise – Part 2 [M+F] [nc] [bondage] [drugged]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/hxyfvy/the_field_exercise_mf_nc_bondage/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

She could hear them coming now, eager and excited voices. The things they had said about her, never to her but always in hushed whispers and leers, were lewd enough and always made her blush. She could only imagine what
what was said in the showers and barracks when she wasn’t around. There were numerous times after she had come to the unit that some of her civilian laundry had gone misssing. She figured a handful of her thongs were being passed around the barracks as trophies. Or cum rags. And now their worst, and favorite, fantasies were reality.

The Field Exercise [M+F] [nc] [rape]

Samantha always knew she wanted to serve, following in the footsteps of her dad and grandpa. She had joined the JROTC, excelled athletically and academically, always pushing herself hard in pursuit of her dream. At 19 she was outside the door of the recruiter’s office ready to sign. Combat arms had just opened to females and she was excited to push herself even harder and break barriers. She signed on as an infantry solider and marked her calendar for basic training, counting her days down. At Basic and the later follow on school, she was almost always at the top. Pushing herself to succeed, she set her PT goals on the male standards vs the female. She struggled a bit at the follow on, the demands of the foot soldiers and weekly ruck marches wore on her but it just motivated her to do better and push harder.

Moving to her first unit was a much different story. She was the first female in what had been an all male unit. It was isolating at first, no other female to bunk with. The conversations that stopped dead when she walked by. The sense of extra pressure on her as something and someone different than the norm. She continued as she had in basic, pushing harder and taking on more. She asked the unit to grade her PT off the male standards and often spent extra time in the gym after duty hours.

Getting Out Of The Ticket [MMMMMMMMf] [Bst] [nc] [anal] [virgin]

“Fuck…fuck…fuck!” Katie groaned as the 18 year old saw the red and blue flash behind her. She was racing to get home before her parents got back from their weekend trip. There were 2 of them. One on the passenger side and the other at Katie’s. They instructed her to roll down her windows. She was feeling uneasy, they way they were looking her over. She was a petite girl, small tits with soft blonde hair just above her shoulders. She was wearing a light summer dress. She was regretting not wearing a bra today.

“You know how fast you were going sweetie?”

She was choking back tears, “please sir, I’ll slow down…I’m uh..still going getting used to the car. I’ll be more careful…” her voice cracking she held out her license. He smiled and she felt at ease but only for a minute. 

“Smell that?…” he winked at his partner. 

“Yeah…smells like some weed…”

“Miss we need you to step out of the car.”

Her mind raced. Weed?! What were they talking about? She didn’t smoke!

Getting Out Of The Ticket [MMMMMMMMF] [NC] [Barely Legal] [18+ Teen]

“Fuck…fuck…fuck!” Katie groaned as the 18 year old saw the red and blue flash behind her. She was racing to get home before her parents got back from their weekend trip. There were 2 of them. One on the passenger side and the other at Katie’s. They instructed her to roll down her windows. She was feeling uneasy, they way they were looking her over. She was a petite girl, small tits with soft blonde haor just above her shoulders. She was wearing a light summer dress. She was regretting not wearing a bra today.

“You know how fast you were going sweetie?”

She was choking back tears, “please sir, I’ll slow down…I’m uh..still going getting used to the car. I’ll be more careful…” her voice cracking she held out her license. He smiled and she felt at ease but only for a minute. 

“Smell that?…” he winked at his partner. 

“Yeah…smells like some weed…”

“Miss we need you to step out of the car.”

Her mind raced. Weed?! What were they talking about? She didn’t smoke!