I finally [m]ade plans with my new FWB that didn’t fall through.

My primary likes girls, and we’ve been making new friends to help her explore that recently. She doesn’t do great at meeting new people; so I’m usually the one that reaches out and gets everything started. We met a new girl from Fet recently. Every time she came over, my partner wasn’t feeling well (soon discovered it was morning sickness) but there was some awesome chemistry between me and the new girl; and our messages went from light flirting to very explicit.

My primary is cool with me playing on my own, so I planned to see where things went. The new girl came over one day while she was at the doctor. But shortly after the new girl gets to my place, my primary tells me she’s on the way back home. And while she has walked in on me playing before; I didn’t want that to be the case when her anxiety was already high; so a damper was put on the plans with my new friend, and we just talked and smoked, but the sexual tension was strong, and not long after she left; we were back to the sexually charged snapchatting, and we made plans for early the next morning.