I’m now [F24] this story was set a few years ago, long time lurker on the thread, finally had a long enough train journey I decided to post (apologies for my grammar).
So I’d been seeing my boyfriend (now ex) for around 4 years when his sister started seeing Steven *name changed*. Now, post-relationship I realise that me, a 5’6, brunette, curvy, dd-cup boobs, pierced nipples, independent woman type didn’t fit into his family very well. A well to do, money can buy you happiness sort.
Anyway I didn’t think much of it when my bfs sister said she was seeing someone new, this was pretty standard. As someone from money she picked muscley well off men who (entirely not my type). Steven was a pilot, around 5’7, dark brunette hair, brown eyes, pretty dark skin and definitely looked after himself.