To my Reddit friend

Since we started talking on Reddit a few weeks ago, I have not been able to get you out of my mind.  Everyday I wait for that message and when I receive it I smile.  This is my story to you.

You have been planning this night for a week.  Telling your husband that you are going out with your friends for a special occasion.  You are getting ready and he walks in and says “Babe you are looking hot right now.  You ladies must be going somewhere fun.  I hope you enjoy tonight and let loose.  I will take care of the kids.”  

He walks out and you immediately start to think that you are going to let loose tonight.  You open up your phone and go to the messages that we have been sending to each other.  You stop on a picture of my cock and think that is going to be in me tonight.  You start to get wet a little and move your finger below and rub yourself.  You noticed the time and see that you have to get going.  You run out of the house kiss your husband and kids goodbye.